Software Repository Mirror
From IHRIS Wiki
Creating the Software Repository
The file /etc/apt/sources.list tells apt-get where to look for software packages to install.
We will want to have two versions of the sources.list file. One that will use the hard drive (sources.list.harddrive) and one that will use the internet (sources.list.internet). You will need to create a file /etc/apt/sources.list.harddrive
The default ubuntu installation assumes that you are connected to the interent. So we will simply copy the existing /etc/apt/sources.list to sources.list.internet
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.internet
We now need to create a version of the sources.list that will use the hard drive. When I plug in my harddrive, you can see it under /media/8fcb2505-9f03-49eb-bc8d-687c3c285195 so I will need to use this in the following:
echo "deb file://'/media/8fcb2505-9f03-49eb-bc8d-687c3c285195/'" `lsb_release -cs` "main universe " | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.harddrive
Updating the Software Repository
Using the Software Repository
deb file:/usb_drive/ubuntuMirror/mirror oneiric main