Web Service:PR-WS-1

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Web Service: PR-WS-1 Get Enterprise Professional ID

Fetches a HC Professional Enterprise ID for the professional specified by the professional ID parameter.

URL /ws/rest/v1/professional/${pro-id}/epid
GET Parameters This contains only 1 parameter to identify the professional to return ${pro-ID}

The unique professional ID for the professional requested with the following format:


Where <ID-type> is one of the following:

           NID - for a national identification number
           APN - for an application number
           PPN - for passport number
           SSN - for social security number
Eg. GET /ws/rest/v1/professional/NID-1234567890/epid
GET Response
  • HTTP 200 - OK
  • The HTTP response body will contain the epid as plain text.
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-1