Swiss Magic Data Editor

From IHRIS Wiki

The Swiss Magic Data Editor is a set of php classes to hierarchically edit and view the configuration magic data.


  • Provides different ways of traversing the configuration magic data hierarchy via different factories
  • Lots of AJAX goodness built in to display sub-menus within the current menu
  • Used in the "Form Relationship" builder and the "Custom Reporting" tool
  • Used in the "Configure Modules" tool

The Swiss Class

The I2CE_Swiss class is the base class used to

The Factories

Swiss Magic Factory

Swiss Config Factory

=Parent And Children

In this factory the child swiss nodes of a given swiss class are defined by a module configuration XML#Defining Magic Data in Configuration Files file. The root parent swiss node is the main <configurationGroup> in the configuration XML file.

The child swiss nodes associated to a given <configurationGroup> are exactly the child <configuration>s and <configurationGroup>s on that node.

The magic data node associated to a swiss node is the exactly the magic data node associated to the given <configuration> or <configurationGroup> node as defined by the path and name attributes.