IHRIS Qualify Installation - 4.1.5

From IHRIS Wiki
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Once you have downloaded iHRIS, follow these instructions to install the blank site. This assumes you have downloaded the software to /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.1.5/. For instructions on installing Ubuntu and downloading the software see the Linux (Ubuntu) Installation - 4.1.5 instructions.

Database Setup

To create the needed database you can do: <source lang="bash"> mysql -u root -p </source> Enter the password you set above (XXXXX) for MySQL. You will now be able to send commands to MySQL and the prompt should always begin with 'mysql> '. Type these commands: <source lang="mysql"> CREATE DATABASE ihris_qualify; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ihris_qualify.* TO ihris_qualify@localhost identified by 'PASS'; exit </source> Substitute PASS with something appropriate. We'll refer to this password as YYYYY.

In version 4.1.5 of iHRIS we create mysql functions. If you are having trouble creating routines see this.

Alternatively, you may choose to install phpmyadmin to administer database through the web <source lang="bash"> sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin </source> A screen will come up asking if you want to install for apache2 or lighttpd. Highlight apache2 and press the spacebar to select it. It will ask for the root password (XXXXX) and you may also opt to create a phpmyadmin user to extra features. Select a password for this user as well.

Now browse to:


login with the user 'root' and password XXXXX that you set above. Once logged in you will create a database and user called ihris_manage. To do this, click on the 'Privileges' link and select 'Add a new User'. Then fill out the form as follows:

Creating iHRIS_Qualify Database and User

For security, make sure the password you choose is different than the root password for MySQL. Let us refer to this password as YYYYY.

Creating a Site Configuration File

We are going to start by modifying the BLANK site for iHRIS Qualify. To copy the BLANK site: <source lang="bash"> sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/iHRIS/sites sudo cp -R /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.1.5/ihris-qualify/sites/blank /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/qualify </source>

Set Email Address (Optional)

You may optionally choose to change the email address feedback is sent to by editting the site configuration file: <source lang="bash"> sudo gedit /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/manage/iHRIS-Qualify-BLANK.xml </source> changing: <source lang="xml"> <configuration name='email' path='to' values='single'>

 <displayName>Email Address</displayName>

</configuration> </source> to: <source lang="xml"> <configuration name='email' path='to' values='single'>

 <displayName>Email Address</displayName>

</configuration> </source>

Making the Site Available

We will now edit the configuration to let the site know about the database user and options: <source lang="bash"> sudo gedit /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/qualify/pages/config.values.php </source> We now need to uncomment and set the value of a few variables. Commented lines will begin with two slashes (//) that you'll need to remove.

They are:

Variable NameValue

In $i2ce_site_dsn, YYYYY is the password you set above.

Save and quit.

Finally, we make iHRIS Qualify site we just created available via the webserver: <source lang="bash"> sudo ln -s /var/lib/iHRIS/sites/qualify/pages /var/www/qualify </source>

Pretty URLs

This is an optional step to make URLs cleaner by removing the index.php. <source lang="bash"> sudo cp /var/www/qualify/htaccess.TEMPLATE /var/www/qualify/.htaccess sudo gedit /var/www/qualify/.htaccess </source> We need to look for the line RewriteBase and change it to the web directory we want to use we are using, /qualify.

Change the line that looks like: <source lang="apache">

   RewriteBase /iHRIS/qualify-BLANK

</source> to: <source lang="apache">

   RewriteBase /qualify

</source> You may now save and quit.

Finishing Up

Now we are ready to begin the site installation. Simply browse to:


and wait for the site to initalize itself. Congratulations! You may log in as the i2ce_admin with the password you used to connect to the database (YYYYY that you set above).