Data Export to DHIS in iHRIS F.A.S.T

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 07:19, 12 June 2013 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

Exporting The Data

The home page of iHRIS F.A.S.T. has a new menu item "Data Export" to handle data export to the Dean's Dashboard/DHIS2.

Clicking on this link will take you to a page showing all of the available data exports.

Clicking on one of the data exports will take you to a page where the data is posted to DHIS2 and the response is shown.

Linking The Data

The data in iHRIS F.A.S.T. and DHIS2 need to be linked together in order to successfully share information.

Training Program

Each member of the Training Program database list should be linked to the DHIS2 data element as follows:

Student Status

Each member of the Student Status database list should be linked to the DHIS2 data element as follows:

DHIS2 Source Data

The DHIS2 metadata on organisational units and data elements has been imported into iHRIS. This is read only data which you can view by looking at the "Administer Database" page:

Looking at the Organisational Units you will have something like:

Looking at the Data Elements you will have something like:

Data Relationship

The data used to generate the report (# of students by student status and program) is based on a relationship built on the forms illustrated here: Note that the primary form in the relationship is student_app and that the person form is only included in the diagram for illustrative purposes as it is not needed in the actual relationship.