Technical Overview: Form Storage -- SDMX-HD

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Revision as of 14:35, 8 October 2013 by Sturlington (talk | contribs)

This is a form storage mechanism designed to read data from an SDMX-HD code list file. This form storage mechanism is present in version >= 4.0.5.

This is a read-only form storage mechanism. This storage mechanism will only work for forms that are or extend I2CE_SimpleList.

This form storage mechanism requires PHP 5.3 or greater

Form Storage Options

The options specifying a SDMX-HD storage for $form are stored at:


It has the following structure:

  • file: The SDMX-HD file that the data should be read from. This can either be an absolutely given file path, a relative file path, or the URL of a stream handled by php. If it is a relative file path, then it uses the SDMXHD file search category.The file can also be a path to a scalar node in magic data as indicated by 'mdn://path/in/magic/data'
  • CodeListID: The code list ID to be read. This is for files that may have more than one code list defined. This must be set.

Global Options

There are global options for SDMX-HD form storage. They are specified at:


This has the structure:

  • closeFile: defaults to false. If true, we close the file between access. Otherwise, we allow PHP to handle closing the file resource at the end of the script's call.

Form Definition

To use SDMX-HD storage for a form use the following configuration. Replace $form, $form_name, $file_location and $CL_ID with the appropriate values. <source lang="xml"> <configurationGroup name="$form">

 <displayName>SDMX-HD Code List: $form</displayName>
 <description>The SDMX-HD Code List: $form_name</description>
 <configuration name="class" values="single">
 <configuration name="display" values="single" locale="en_US">
 <configuration name="storage" values="single">
 <configurationGroup name="storage_options" path="storage_options/SDMXHD">
   <configuration name="file" values="single">
   <configuration name="CodeListID" values="single">

</configurationGroup> </source>

An example for gender may be:

<source lang="xml"> <configurationGroup name="cl_gender">

 <displayName>SDMX-HD Code List: cl_gender</displayName>
 <description>The SDMX-HD Code List: Gender</description>
 <configuration name="class" values="single">
 <configuration name="display" values="single" locale="en_US">
 <configuration name="storage" values="single">
 <configurationGroup name="storage_options" path="storage_options/SDMXHD">
   <configuration name="file" values="single">
   <configuration name="CodeListID" values="single">

</configurationGroup> </source>