Migrating from MDB2 to PDO

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Revision as of 15:03, 22 September 2017 by Lduncan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Server Changes== For Ubuntu 14.04, you must replace the default PHP MySQL driver: <source lang="bash"> sudo apt install php5-mysqlnd </source> ==PHP Code Changes== ===Updat...")
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Server Changes

For Ubuntu 14.04, you must replace the default PHP MySQL driver: <source lang="bash"> sudo apt install php5-mysqlnd </source>

PHP Code Changes

Update Database Reference

In the below examples, $db will refer to the database object that was returned from MDB2::singleton() or I2CE::PDO() or it may refer to those strings exactly. You may see $db->prepare(...) or MDB2::singleton()->prepare(...).

Change: <source lang="php">MDB2::singleton()</source> to: <source lang="php">I2CE::PDO()</source>

Update Error Checks (for all database queries)

Change pearError blocks to try catch: <source lang="php"> $result = $db->query($qry); if ( I2CE::pearError( $result, "MESSAGE" ) ) {

   return false;

} </source> becomes: <source lang="php"> try {

   $result = $db->query($qry);
   // Do something with $result
   // Free result
   unset( $result );  // in most cases
   $result = null;    // in big loops or very frequent functions

} catch( PDOException $e ) {

   I2CE::pdoError( $e, "MESSAGE" );
   return false;

} </source>

Prepared Statements

Remove extra arguments for field types from the call to prepare().

Prepared statements also act as the result. Note that in many cases the prepare statement will be in a different place than the execute and fetch calls. <source lang="php"> $stmt = $db->prepare( $qry, $field_types, MDB2_PREPARE_RESULT ); if ( I2CE::pearError( $stmt, "MESSAGE" ) ) {

   // handle failure or exit



$result = $stmt->execute(); if ( I2CE::pearError( $result, "MESSAGE" ) ) {

   // handle failure

} else {

   while ( $data = $result->fetchRow() ) {
       // Do something

} </source> becomes: <source lang="php"> try {

   $stmt = $db->prepare( $qry );

catch ( PDOException $e ) {

   I2CE::pdoError( $e, "MESSAGE" );
   // handle failure or exit



try {

   while( $data = $stmt->fetch() ) {
       // Do something

} catch ( PDOException $e ) {

   I2CE::pdoError( $e, "MESSAGE" );
   // handle failure

} </source>

execParam method

Change: <source lang="php"> $db->execParam( $qry, $params, $types ); </source> to: <source lang="php"> try {

   I2CE_PDO::execParam( $qry, $params );

} catch ( PDOException $e ) {

   I2CE::pdoError( $e, "MESSAGE" );

} </source>

getRow method

Change: <source lang="php"> $row = $db->getRow( $qry, $types, $params, $param_types ); if ( I2CE::pearError( $row, "ERROR " ) ) {

   return false;

} </source> To: <source lang="php"> try {

   $row = I2CE_PDO::getRow( $qry, $params );

} catch( PDOException $e ) {

   I2CE::pdoError( $e, "ERROR" );
   return false;

} </source>

getBeforeID/getAfterID (sequence) methods

Change: <source lang="php"> $new_id = $this->db->getBeforeID( $table, $col, true, true ); $this->db->exec( $stmt ); $new_id = $this->db->getAfterID( $new_id, $table, $col ); </source> To: <source lang="php"> $this->db->exec( $stmt ); $new_id = $this->db->lastInsertId(); </source>

queryCol method

Change: <source lang="php"> $var = $db->queryCol( $qry, # ) </source> to: <source lang="php"> $result = $pdo->query( $qry ); $var = $result->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, # ); </source>

queryAll method

Change: <source lang="php"> $var = $db->queryAll( $qry ) </source> to: <source lang="php"> $result = $pdo->query( $qry ); $var = $result->fetchAll(); </source>

getOne method

Change: <source lang="php"> $res = $db->getOne( $qry ); </source> to: <source lang="php"> $result = $pdo->query( $qry ); $res = $result->fetchColumn(); </source>

mysql_real_escape_string function

If there is no other option to replace mysql_real_escape_string then do the following. Note that $db->quote() will return a string in quotes that is also escaped. Change: <source lang="php"> "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($var) . "'" </source> to: <source lang="php"> $db->quote( $var ) </source> If you don't need it to return quotes, then change: <source lang="php"> mysql_real_escape_string() </source> to: <source lang="php"> I2CE_PDO::escape_string() </source>

Method and Field changes

Change To
numRows() rowCount()
fetchRow() fetch()
in_transaction inTransaction()
$db->database_name I2CE_PDO::details('dbname')
$db->dsn['username'] I2CE_PDO::details('user')
$db->dsn['password'] I2CE_PDO::details('pass')
$db->getOption('result_buffering') $db->getAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY)