Class: I2CE Entry
From IHRIS Wiki
This article desrcibes the class I2CE_Entry.
- Location: Part of the module forms in the package I2CE
- Source: Defined in the file modules/Forms/lib/I2CE_Entry.php
- Author: Luke Duncan <>
- Since: v2.0.0
- See: I2CE_FormField
Class for representing an entry in the database. Multiple entries may exist for any I2CE_FormField value to track all changes since the record was created.
The date this entry was added.
- Type: public I2CE_Date $date
The user id of the person who made this entry.
- Type: public nteger $who
The type of change for this entry.
- Type: public nteger $change_type
The value for this entry.
- Type: public mixed $value
Create a new instance of a I2CE_Entry. This will usually be done by the I2CE_FormField object when it needs access to the history for this field.
- Signature: public function __construct($date,$who,$change_type,$value)
- Parameters:
Return the value of this entry
- Signature: public function getValue()
- Returns: mixed;