Class: I2CE Page MagicDataBrowser

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Revision as of 13:10, 19 October 2009 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

This article describes the class I2CE_Page_MagicDataBrowser.

Default Admin Page



array of strings. the configuration path requested for this page.

  • Type: protected array $config_path


protected The magic data pointed to by the config path



Constructor -- called from page wrangler for URL of form admin/(module_name)/action/arg1/arg2 @param string $shortname A module name to show the admin page for. Defaults to null to mean no module. @param string $action The action this pages is to perform @param string $message. A message to display on the page. Defaults to null

  • Signature: public function __construct($args,$request_remainder)
  • Parameters:
    • array $args
      an array of strings
    • $request_remainder


  • Signature: protected function action()


  • Signature: protected function actionDisplayConfig()


  • Signature: protected function displayConfig($config,$magicNode,$full)
  • Parameters:
    • $config
    • $magicNode
    • $full


  • Signature: protected function reshow($parent)
  • Parameters:
    • $parent
      • Default Value: false