Class: I2Ce Page FormDocumentor

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 13:11, 19 October 2009 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

This article describes the class I2Ce_Page_FormDocumentor.

The page wrangler This page loads the main HTML template for the home page of the site. @copyright Copyright © 2007, 2008 IntraHealth International, Inc.



  • Type: protected $form_cache



. True if we should make check mapped fields


of string assocating a short field name to a field class

  • Type: protected array $field_defs



Create a new instance of a page. The default constructor should be called by any pages extending this object. It creates the and objects and sets up the basic member variables.

  • Signature: public function __construct($args,$request_remainder,$get,$post)
  • Parameters:
    • array $args
    • array $request_remainder
      The remainder of the request path
    • $get
      • Default Value: null
    • $post
      • Default Value: null


The business method if this page is called from the commmand line

  • Signature: protected function actionCommandLine($args,$request_remainder)
  • Parameters:
    • array $args
      the array of unix style command line arguments
    • array $request_remainder
      the remainder of the request after the page specfication.


Produces a .dot file for the given forms as a string

  • Signature: public function dot($forms)
  • Parameters:
    • array $forms
      of string the forms


Get the display name for the specified module. strips out Demo/Demonstration language

  • Signature: protected function getDisplayName($module)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: string


The site module

  • Signature: protected function getModule()
  • Returns: string


Gets the output file with the given extension

  • Signature: protected function getOutputFile($ext)
  • Parameters:
    • $ext


Gets a "scheme" used to describe form documentation options.

  • Signature: protected function getSchemeDetails($scheme)
  • Parameters:
    • $scheme
  • Returns: array


Gets the version of the specified module

  • Signature: protected function getVersion($module)
  • Parameters:
  • Returns: string;


Look up the short form of a field class from the long form

  • Signature: protected function reverseFieldDef($field_def)
  • Parameters:
    • string $field_def
      the class of a form field


Produces a .txt file for the given forms as a string

  • Signature: public function text($forms)
  • Parameters:
    • array $forms
      of string the forms


Produces a wiki page for the given forms as a string

  • Signature: public function wiki($forms)
  • Parameters:
    • array $forms
      of string the forms