Class: iHRIS PageFormPersonQualify
From IHRIS Wiki
This article describes the class iHRIS_PageFormPersonQualify.
- Extends the class: iHRIS_PageFormPerson.
- Parent Classses: iHRIS_PageFormPerson I2CE_PageForm I2CE_Page I2CE_Fuzzy
- Location: Part of the module ihris-qualify in the package iHRIS Qualify
- Source: Defined in the file lib/iHRIS_PageFormPersonQualify.php
- Author: Luke Duncan <>
- Since: v2.0.0
Manage adding or editing a person to the database. @copyright Copyright © 2007, 2008 IntraHealth International, Inc. Page object to handle the adding or editing people to the database.
Display the save or confirm button templates as needed.
- Signature: protected function displayControls($save,$show_edit)
- Parameters:
Load the HTML template files for editing and confirming the index and demographic information.
- Signature: protected function loadHTMLTemplates()