Class: I2CE Module FormLimits (4.0.9)

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This article describes the class I2CE_Module_FormLimits .

@filesource Class I2CE_Module_FormLimits





Method called before the module is enabled for the first time. @param boolean -- returns true on success. false on error.


Checks a limit expression for a field based on limit data


The implementation of the fuzzy method to check that a where clause is satisfied by the given form Walks down the where clause data create the WHERE query it defined.


Create a check function based on the where data. The function takes on argument which is an array indexed by the field names and with values the value of the field. @param I2CE_Form $form @param callback $field_refernece_callback. A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field. If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is $data["$field']

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormLimits/lib/I2CE_Module_FormLimits.php on line 240
  • Signature: public function createCheckFunction($formObj,$expr,$field_reference_callback,$func_args)
  • Parameters:
    • $formObj
    • mixed $expr
      array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.
    • $field_reference_callback
      • Default Value: null
    • string $func_args
      Defaults to $data
      • Default Value: '$data'
  • Returns: false
    on failure a funciton on sucess.


Create a check function boolean expression based on the where data. The function takes on argument which is an array indexed by the field names and with values the value of the field. @param I2CE_Form $form @param callback $field_refernece_callback. A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field. If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is $data["$field']

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormLimits/lib/I2CE_Module_FormLimits.php on line 271
  • Signature: public function createCheckFunctionString($formObj,$expr,$field_reference_callback)
  • Parameters:
    • $formObj
    • mixed $expr
      array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.
    • $field_reference_callback
      • Default Value: null
  • Returns: false
    on failure a string to which can be evalued as true/false on success.


Checks a limit boolean expression for a field based on limit data @param callback $field_refernece_callback. A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field. If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is $data["$field']


Generates a limit expression for a form based on limit data. Called by {generateWhereClause()} @param callback $field_refernece_callback. A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field. If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is "$form+$field"


The implementation of the fuzzy method that recurses down the where clause data to make the limit part of a SQL query. Walks down the where clause data create the WHERE query it defined. @param callback $field_refernece_callback. A callback function whose first arguement is the form, the second arguements is the field and which returns the way the field value should be references as a field. If the callback is null (the default) then the reference used is "$form+$field"

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/FormLimits/lib/I2CE_Module_FormLimits.php on line 463
  • Signature: public function generateWhereClause($formObj,$expr,$field_reference_callback,$parent_ref)
  • Parameters:
    • I2CE_Form $formObj
    • mixed $expr
      array or class implementing ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable (e.g. MagicDataNode) . the where data.
    • $field_reference_callback
      • Default Value: null
    • string $parent_ref
      Defaults to null. If not null, it is the referent to the parent id of the form
      • Default Value: null
  • Returns: SQL
    statement, false on failure


Implementation of fuzzy method on a I2CE_FormObject to determine what are the limit styles for a given field


The 'fuzzy' methods that this module implements.

Inherited Methods


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->__construct()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->action_configure()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->action_disable()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->action_enable()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getCLIHooks()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getCLIMethods()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getConfig()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getHooks()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->post_update()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->pre_upgrade()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->upgrade()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()

Inherited Fuzzy Methods


This method is inherited from I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundProcess()


This method is inherited from I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPHPScript()


This method is inherited from I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPage()


This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()