Class: I2CE Module Jumper (4.0.12)

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This article describes the class I2CE_Module_Jumper .




Shows the jumper. This jumper works for pages that process a get request. The page must put the all results in the node with id "{$id_base}_results". The jumper is placed in the node with id "{$id_base}_pager_display". It is expected that the node with id "{$id_base}_pager_display" is a sub-node of the node with id "{$id_base}_results". Note: there will be several nodes created with id's of the form "{$id_base}_pager_$something" so with the exception of $something='display' you should not use id's of this form. This fuzzy method can be called either from an I2CE_Page or an I2CE_Template. @param string $pageVaraiable the get variable to store the requested page number in. Defaults to 'page'

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Jumper/I2CE_Module_Jumper.php on line 60
  • Signature: public function _makeJumper($template,$id_base,$jumps,$page,$total_pages,$pageURL,$query_fields,$pageVariable)
  • Parameters:
    • $template
    • string $id_base
      the base id that should be used in identifying the node to update (e.g. 'report')
    • array $jumps
      array of int, the pages we want in the jumper. Does not inclu
    • int $page
      the current page number
    • int $total_pages
      the total numnber pf pages
    • string $pageURL
      the url of the page we will make the request from @param associatibe array $query_fields keys are the query variables needed for the get request. values are the _unencoded_ values that the variable should have.
    • $query_fields
    • $pageVariable
      • Default Value: 'page'



Shows the jumper. This jumper works for pages that process a get request. The page must put the all results in the node with id "{$id_base}_results". The jumper is placed in the node with id "{$id_base}_pager_display". It is expected that the node with id "{$id_base}_pager_display" is a sub-node of the node with id "{$id_base}_results". Note: there will be several nodes created with id's of the form "{$id_base}_pager_$something" so with the exception of $something='display' you should not use id's of this form. This fuzzy method can be called either from an I2CE_Page or an I2CE_Template. @param string $pageVaraiable the get variable to store the requested page number in. Defaults to 'page'

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Jumper/I2CE_Module_Jumper.php on line 216
  • Signature: public function makeJumper($template,$id_base,$page,$total_pages,$pageURL,$query_fields,$pageVariable)
  • Parameters:
    • $template
    • string $id_base
      the base id that should be used in identifying the node to update (e.g. 'report')
    • int $page
      the current page number
    • int $total_pages
      the total numnber pf pages
    • string $pageURL
      the url of the page we will make the request from @param associatibe array $query_fields keys are the query variables needed for the get request. values are the _unencoded_ values that the variable should have.
    • $query_fields
    • $pageVariable
      • Default Value: 'page'


Shows the jumper. This jumper works for pages that process a get request. The page must put the all results in the node with id "{$id_base}_results". The jumper is placed in the node with id "{$id_base}_pager_display". It is expected that the node with id "{$id_base}_pager_display" is a sub-node of the node with id "{$id_base}_results". Note: there will be several nodes created with id's of the form "{$id_base}_pager_$something" so with the exception of $something='display' you should not use id's of this form. This fuzzy method can be called either from an I2CE_Page or an I2CE_Template. @param string $pageVaraiable the get variable to store the requested page number in. Defaults to 'page'

  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Jumper/I2CE_Module_Jumper.php on line 253
  • Signature: public function makeScalingJumper($template,$id_base,$page,$total_pages,$pageURL,$query_fields,$pageVariable)
  • Parameters:
    • $template
    • string $id_base
      the base id that should be used in identifying the node to update (e.g. 'report')
    • int $page
      the current page number
    • int $total_pages
      the total numnber pf pages
    • string $pageURL
      the url of the page we will make the request from @param associatibe array $query_fields keys are the query variables needed for the get request. values are the _unencoded_ values that the variable should have.
    • $query_fields
    • $pageVariable
      • Default Value: 'page'

Inherited Methods


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->__construct()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->action_configure()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->action_disable()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->action_enable()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->action_initialize()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getCLIHooks()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getCLIMethods()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getConfig()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->getHooks()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->post_update()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->pre_upgrade()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Module->upgrade()


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()

Inherited Fuzzy Methods


This method is inherited from I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundProcess()


This method is inherited from I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPHPScript()


This method is inherited from I2CE_Module->launchBackgroundPage()


This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()