IHRIS Common Translation List (4.0.12)

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This is a list of all text that can be translated in iHRIS Common

The text <source lang='text'>%s at %s (%s)</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>%s on %s</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>2 Character Alpha Code</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Access Denied</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Competency</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Education</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Emergency Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Employment</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Identification</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Language Proficiency</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Note</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Other Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Personal Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Record Status</source> appears in the the module RecordStatus Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add Work Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add new Establishment Category</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add new Establishment Type</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Competency</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Contact Information</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Demographic Information</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Dependent Information</source> appears in the the module dependents Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Education History</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Employment History</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Identification</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Language</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Next of Kin Information</source> appears in the the module nextOfKin Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Notes</source> appears in the the module PersonNotes Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Passport Photo</source> appears in the the module PersonPassportPhoto Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Person</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Person's Scheduled Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Resume</source> appears in the the module PersonResume Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Scanned Paper Record</source> appears in the the module PersonArchivedScan Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update Training Course Scheduling</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Add/Update a Scheduled Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Additional Information</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Administer Database</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Administer Tasks and Roles for the System</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Administer Users</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Administer positions and create and update dropdown menus.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Administrative Source</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Alternate Telephone Number</source> appears in the the module Contact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>BA/BS</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Background Processes</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Belgium</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Biologic Sex</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Boundary Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>British Pound</source> appears in the the module SampleData-currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Browse Forms</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Browse Magic Data</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Browse the configuration data used by the sytem.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Browse the forms used by the system.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Burundi</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>CEUs Provided</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Cached Forms</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Cadre</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Cadre Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Cadre (Health Professionals Only)</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Calculation Syntax Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can access the establishment information</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can access the general configure system menu</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit a person's dependents</source> appears in the the module dependents Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit a person's nextofkin</source> appears in the the module nextOfKin Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit all geography data</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit all job structure database lists</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit all of the child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit archive scan of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonArchivedScan Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit country list</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit currency information</source> appears in the the module Currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_asource</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_cstype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_currency</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_day</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_disagg</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_disease</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_disstat</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_dsource</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_dstype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_dtype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_fperiod</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_gboundary_type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_gcode_country</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_gender</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_glevel</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_glocation</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_hif1</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_hif2</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_income</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_logical</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_metype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_month</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_mult</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_operand</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_orphan</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_otype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_periodicity</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_preg</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_pstatus</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_ptype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_quarter</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_race</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_sector</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_sex</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_special_value</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_stype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_tpop</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_unit</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_value_type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_vstatus</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_vulnstat</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_week</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit database code list cl_year</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit degree type database lists</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit demographic child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit district list</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit education child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit education type database lists</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit emergency contact child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit employment child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit notes child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonNotes Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit other contact child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit passpport photo of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonPassportPhoto Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit person_competency child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit person_id child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit person_language child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit personal contact child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit region list</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit resume of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonResume Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit some geography data</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit some job structure database lists</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the department marital status list.</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the establishment database list</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the establishment information</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the establishment period database list</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the establishment type database list</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the id_type database list</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the language database list</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit the person page</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can edit work contact child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view a person's dependents</source> appears in the the module dependents Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view a person's nextofkin</source> appears in the the module nextOfKin Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view all geography data</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view all job structure database lists</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view all of the child forms of a person</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view archive scan of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonArchivedScan Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view country list</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view currency information</source> appears in the the module Currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_asource</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_cstype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_currency</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_day</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_disagg</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_disease</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_disstat</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_dsource</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_dstype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_dtype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_fperiod</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_gboundary_type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_gcode_country</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_gender</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_glevel</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_glocation</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_hif1</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_hif2</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_income</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_logical</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_metype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_month</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_mult</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_operand</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_orphan</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_otype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_periodicity</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_preg</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_pstatus</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_ptype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_quarter</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_race</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_sector</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_sex</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_special_value</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_stype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_tpop</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_unit</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_value_type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_vstatus</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_vulnstat</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_week</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view database code list cl_year</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view degree type database lists</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view demographic child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view district list</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view education child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view education type database lists</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view emergnency contact child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view employment child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view notes child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonNotes Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view other contact child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view passport photo of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonPassportPhoto Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view person_competency child form of a person</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view person_id child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view person_language child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view personal contact child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view region list</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view resume of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonResume Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view some geography data</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view some job structure database lists</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the competency evaluation history of a person</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the competency evaluation of a person</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the department marital status list.</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the establishment database list</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the establishment period database list</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the establishment type database list</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the id_type database list</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the language database list</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the list of recent forms that have been edited/added.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view the person page</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Can view work contact child form of a person</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Category</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Certificate</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Change Password</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Changes made to</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Choose options to limit results</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Search Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Classification</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Closed</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Code</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Company Address</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Company Information</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Company Name</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Company Telephone</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Competencies</source> appears in the the module training-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Competencies Provided</source> appears in the the module training-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Competency</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Competency Evaluation</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Competency Evaluation History</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Competency Evaluations</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Competency Evluation History</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Competency Information</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Competency Type</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Competent</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Completed</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Completion of Training</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Configure Modules</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Configure System</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Confirm</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Congo</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Contact Information</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Continuing Education</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Continuing Education Course</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Control the creation of cached forms</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Correct this Information</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Country</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Country Code</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>County</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Course Competency Evaluations</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Course Name</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Create, update and disable user accounts to enforce secure access to the system. Access is limited to the System Administrator.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Credit Hours</source> appears in the the module CEUs Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Currency</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Currency Code</source> appears in the the module Currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Custom Reports</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Data Source</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Data Source Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Datatype</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Date</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Date Added</source> appears in the the module PersonNotes Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Date Changed</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Date Ended (leave blank if still employed)</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Date Started</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Date of Birth</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Days</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Define how forms are related for use in reports.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Define report views based on previously defined reports. You can choose which fields to display and also define a default view that display a chart or limited results when a user access the report view.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Define reports based on previously defined relationships. You can choose which fields are available to each report and what fields can be used to limit the report.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Degree</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Degree Information</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Degree/Certification</source> appears in the the module SampleData-edu_type Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Demographic Information</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Demographic Lists</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Dependent</source> appears in the the module dependents Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Dependent Information</source> appears in the the module dependents Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Description</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Diploma</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Disaggregation</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Disease</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Disease Status</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>District</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Document</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Duty Commencement</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit This Information</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Edit a scheduled training course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit all list associated with competency</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit all lists assoicated with the training module</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit some lists assoicated with the training module</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the cadre list</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Cadre Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the classification list</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the competency evaluation list</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the competency list</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the competency type list</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the continuing education list</source> appears in the the module CEUs Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the facility list</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the facility type list</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the job list</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the scheduled training course category list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the training course category list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the training course evaluation list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the training course list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the training course requestor list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the training course status list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the training funder list</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Edit the training institutions list</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Education History</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Education Type</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Elementary</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Email Address</source> appears in the the module Contact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Emergency Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Emergency Contact Information</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Employer Information</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Employment History</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Enable and disable the various modules for the system.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>End</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>End Date</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Ending Position</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Ending Wage</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Enrolled Students</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Establishment</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Establishment Period</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Establishment Type</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Euro</source> appears in the the module SampleData-currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Evaluate a Person's Competencies for a Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Evaluate a perons's cheduled training course</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Evaluation</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Evaluation Date</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Evaulate Course Competencies</source> appears in the the module training-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Exam Result</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Exam Results</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Exam Results For Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Exam Type</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Examine background processes you have started</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Facility Contact</source> appears in the the module FacilityContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Facility Type</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Facility or Faciltiy Type</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Fail</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Fax Number</source> appears in the the module Contact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Female</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Field Change History</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>First Name</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Fluent</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Followup Period</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Form Relationships</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>France</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Full Name</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Full Professional</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Gender</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Geographic Information</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Geographic Level</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Geographic Location</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Germany</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Health Indicator Framework 1</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Health Indicator Framework 2</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Hide</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>High School</source> appears in the the module SampleData-edu_type Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Home</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>ID Type</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>ISO Numeric Code</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Identification</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Identification Information</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Identification Number</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Identification Type</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Image</source> appears in the the module Photo Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Incomplete</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Individual Income</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Individual Information</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Informal</source> appears in the the module SampleData-edu_type Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Information</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Information about Record Status</source> appears in the the module RecordStatus Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Instance</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Institution Information</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Institution Location</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Institution Name</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Instructors</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Job</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Job Responsibilities</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Job or Cadre</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Kenya</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Language</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Language Information</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Language Proficiency</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Last Evaluated</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Last Week</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>License</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Limited Working</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Location</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Logical: extended list for boolean values</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>MD</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>MPH</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Mailing Address</source> appears in the the module Contact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Major</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Male</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Manage Locales</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Manage Reports</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Manage the Locales made available by the system</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Manage the standard reports available to users and create new custom reports.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Mapped Form</source> appears in the the module UUID_map Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Marital Status</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Masters</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Maximum Number of Students</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>MidPoint</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Monitoring and Evaluation Framework</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Months</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Multiplier</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Name</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Name / Nationality</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Nationality</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Next Of Kin Information</source> appears in the the module nextOfKin Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Next of Kin</source> appears in the the module nextOfKin Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Not Competent</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Not Evaluated</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Note</source> appears in the the module PersonNotes Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Notes</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Notes (Primary Contact Person)</source> appears in the the module Contact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Number of Health Workers</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Office/Facility</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Ok to Contact?</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Open</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Operand type of indicator</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Organization Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Orphan Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Other</source> appears in the the module SampleData-edu_type Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Other Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Other Contact Information</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Other Names</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Pass</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Passing Score For Final Exam</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Passing Score: %d</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Passport Photo</source> appears in the the module PersonPassportPhoto Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Periodicity</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Person</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Person Competency</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Person Identification</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Person Language Proficiency</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Person Photo</source> appears in the the module PersonPassportPhoto Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Person Resume</source> appears in the the module PersonResume Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Person Scheduled Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Personal Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Personal Contact Information</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Personal Information</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>PhD</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Position Information</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Postgraduate</source> appears in the the module SampleData-degree Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Pregnancy Status</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Primary Country</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Professional Working</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Programme Status</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Programme Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Qualifications</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Quarters</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Race</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Reading Proficiency</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Reason for Leaving</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Recent Changes</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Record An Exam Result</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Region</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Related Views</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Search Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Relationship</source> appears in the the module nextOfKin Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Report Views</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Reports</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Request Date</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Requested By</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Residence</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Results limited by</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Search Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Resume</source> appears in the the module PersonResume Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Retraining</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Rwanda</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Save as default view</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Search Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Scanned Paper Record</source> appears in the the module PersonArchivedScan Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Schedule a Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Schedule a Person for a Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Scheduled Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Scheduled Courses</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Scheduled Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Score</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Search</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Search Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Search People</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Search Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Search Records</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Search Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Sector</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select Another Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select Competency Type then Competency</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select Education Type then Degree</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select Establishment Category to set</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Cadre</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Cadre Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Classification</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Competency</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Competency Evaluation</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Competency Type</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Country</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another County</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Course</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Currency</source> appears in the the module Currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Degree</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another District</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Education Type</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Establishment</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Establishment Period</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Facility Type</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another ID Type</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Job</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Language</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Marital Status</source> appears in the the module PersonDemographic Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Office/Facility</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Region</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Training Course Category</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Training Course Evaluation</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Training Course Requestor</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Training Course Status</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Training Funder</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select another Training Institution</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Select the form to view the most recent updates made to the database.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Set Establishments</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Site</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Speaking Proficiency</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Special Value</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Start</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Start Date</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Starting Position</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Starting Wage</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Statistic Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Status</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Sudan</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Supervisor</source> appears in the the module PersonEmployment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Surname</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Switzerland</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Symbol</source> appears in the the module Currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Tanzania</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Target Population</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Tasks Roles</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Tasks and Roles</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Telephone Number</source> appears in the the module Contact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>This course does not provide any competencies.</source> appears in the the module training-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>This form holds basic information about a person such as their names and residence</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>This form holds basic information about a training course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>This form holds basic information about an identification for a person</source> appears in the the module PersonID Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>This form is used to descibe basic information about a facility</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Title</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Today</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Topic</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Total Found</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Category</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Competency Evaluation</source> appears in the the module training-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Evaluation</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Exam</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Exam Results</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Exam Type</source> appears in the the module training-exam Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Requestor</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Course Status</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Funder</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Training Funders</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Institution</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Training Manager</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Training Requestor</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>US Dollar</source> appears in the the module SampleData-currency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>UUID Map</source> appears in the the module UUID_map Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Uganda</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Unit</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>United States</source> appears in the the module SampleData-country Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Update this Information</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>Use for Location Selection</source> appears in the the module Geography Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Value Type</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Version Status</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View Evaluation History</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View Field History</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View History</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View Name History"</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View Person</source> appears in the the module Person Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View Recent Form Changes</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View Recent Forms</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View Record</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>View a perons's cheduled training course evaluation</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>View all list associated with competency</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View all lists assoicated with the training module</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View changes made since</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View forms that have been updated recently.</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View some lists assoicated with the training module</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the cadre list</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Cadre Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the classification list</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the competency evaluation list</source> appears in the the module person-simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the competency list</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the competency type list</source> appears in the the module simple-competency Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the continuing education list</source> appears in the the module CEUs Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the facility list</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the facility type list</source> appears in the the module Facility Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the job list</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-Job Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the scheduled training course category list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the training course evaluation list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the training course list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the training course status list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the training funder list</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>View the training institutions list</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Vulnerability Status</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Weeks</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Welcome</source> appears in the the module ihris-common Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Work Contact</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Work Contact Information</source> appears in the the module PersonContact Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Writing Proficiency</source> appears in the the module PersonLanguage Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Year of Applicability</source> appears in the the module establishment Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Year of Graduation (leave blank if In Progress)</source> appears in the the module PersonEducation Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Years</source> appears in the the module SDMX-HD-CodeLists Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>Yesterday</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>return</source> appears in the the modules:

The text <source lang='text'>return (do not save changes)</source> appears in the the module training-institution Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>since</source> appears in the the module ihris-common-RecentForm Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt

The text <source lang='text'>view the training course category list</source> appears in the the module training-course Translate to: fr,sw,it,es,pt