IHRIS Task List (4.0.2)
This is a list of all the tasks available in the iHRIS System
The task cached_forms_can_administer is defined in the module CachedForms of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows administering of cached forms
The task can_change_own_password is defined in the module LoginPage of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can change their own password
The task can_configure_modules is defined in the module admin of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can configure modules
The task can_configure_system is defined in the module ihris-common of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can access the general configure system menu
The task can_edit_all_database_lists is defined in the module Lists of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can edit all the lists stored in the database
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_list_continuing_education_course, can_edit_all_geographic_database_lists, can_edit_database_lists, can_view_all_database_lists, can_edit_all_organization_database_lists, can_edit_all_employee_database_lists, can_edit_position_database_lists, can_edit_all_job_structure_database_lists, can_edit_all_manage_positions_database_lists, can_edit_all_training_course_database_lists
The task can_edit_all_employee_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit all employee database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_list_marital_status, can_edit_database_list_edu_type, can_edit_database_list_degree, can_edit_database_list_id_type, can_edit_database_list_language, can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_all_employee_database_lists, can_edit_database_list_benefit_type, can_edit_database_list_pos_change_reason, can_edit_database_list_competency_evaluation, can_edit_database_lists_competency
The task can_edit_all_geographic_database_lists is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit all geography data
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_list_currency, can_edit_database_list_country, can_edit_database_list_region, can_edit_database_list_district, can_edit_database_list_county, can_edit_geographic_database_lists, can_view_all_geographic_database_lists
The task can_edit_all_job_structure_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit all job structure database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_all_job_structure_database_lists, can_edit_database_list_cadre, can_edit_database_list_classification, can_edit_database_list_salary_grade, can_edit_database_list_job
The task can_edit_all_manage_positions_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit all information about positions
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_all_manage_positions_database_lists, can_edit_database_list_position_type, can_edit_database_list_position, can_edit_manage_positions_database_lists, can_edit_database_list_salary_source
The task can_edit_all_organization_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit all organizational database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_list_facility, can_edit_database_list_facility_type, can_edit_database_list_council, can_edit_organization_database_lists, can_view_all_organization_database_lists, can_edit_database_list_department
The task can_edit_all_training_course_database_lists is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit all lists assoicated with the training module
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_list_continuing_education_course, can_view_all_training_course_database_lists, can_edit_database_lists, can_view_database_list_continuing_education_course, can_edit_database_list_training_course, can_edit_database_list_scheduled_training_course, can_edit_database_list_training_course_status, can_edit_database_list_training_course_requestor, can_edit_database_list_training_course_evaluation, can_edit_database_list_training_course_category, can_edit_database_list_training_institution, can_edit_database_list_training_funder, person_can_edit_child_form_scheduled_training_course
The task can_edit_database_list_benefit_type is defined in the module ihris-manage-Benefit of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit the benefit type database list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_list, can_view_database_list_benefit_type
The task can_edit_database_list_cadre is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the cadre list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_job_structure_database_lists, can_view_database_list_cadre
The task can_edit_database_list_classification is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the classification list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_job_structure_database_lists, can_view_database_list_classification
The task can_edit_database_list_competency is defined in the module simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the competency list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_list_competency
The task can_edit_database_list_competency_evaluation is defined in the module person-simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the competency evaluation list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_list_competency_evaluation
The task can_edit_database_list_competency_type is defined in the module simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the competency type list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_list_competency_type
The task can_edit_database_list_continuing_education_course is defined in the module CEUs of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the continuing education list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_training_course_database_lists, can_view_database_list_continuing_education_course
The task can_edit_database_list_council is defined in the module ManageRegistration of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit the council database list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_organization_database_lists, can_view_database_list_council
The task can_edit_database_list_country is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit country list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_geographic_database_lists, can_view_database_list_country
The task can_edit_database_list_county is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit country list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_geographic_database_lists, can_view_database_list_country
The task can_edit_database_list_currency is defined in the module Currency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit currency information
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_geographic_database_lists, can_view_database_list_currency
The task can_edit_database_list_degree is defined in the module PersonEducation of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit degree type database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_lists_degree
The task can_edit_database_list_department is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the department list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_organization_database_lists, can_view_database_list_department
The task can_edit_database_list_district is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit district list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_geographic_database_lists, can_view_database_list_country
The task can_edit_database_list_edu_type is defined in the module PersonEducation of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit education type database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_lists_edu_type
The task can_edit_database_list_facility is defined in the module Facility of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the facility list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_organization_database_lists, can_view_database_list_facility
The task can_edit_database_list_facility_type is defined in the module Facility of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the facility type list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_organization_database_lists, can_view_database_list_facility_type
The task can_edit_database_list_id_type is defined in the module PersonID of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit the id_type database list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_list_id_type
The task can_edit_database_list_job is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the job list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_job_structure_database_lists, can_view_database_list_salary_job
The task can_edit_database_list_language is defined in the module PersonLanguage of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit the language database list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_list_language
The task can_edit_database_list_marital_status is defined in the module PersonDemographic of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit the department marital status list.
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_list_marital_status, can_edit_employee_database_lists
The task can_edit_database_list_pos_change_reason is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the pos_change_reason list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_list_pos_change_reason
The task can_edit_database_list_position is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the position list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_manage_positions_database_lists, can_view_database_list_position
The task can_edit_database_list_position_type is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the position_type list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_manage_positions_database_lists, can_view_database_list_position_type
The task can_edit_database_list_region is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit region list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_geographic_database_lists, can_view_database_list_country
The task can_edit_database_list_salary_grade is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the salary_grade list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_job_structure_database_lists, can_view_database_list_salary_grade
The task can_edit_database_list_salary_source is defined in the module ihris-manage-Salary of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Edit the salary_source list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_manage_positions_database_lists, can_view_database_list_salary_source
The task can_edit_database_list_scheduled_training_course is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the scheduled training course category list
The task can_edit_database_list_training_course is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the training course list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_training_course_database_lists, can_view_database_list_training_course
The task can_edit_database_list_training_course_category is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the training course category list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_training_course_database_lists, can_view_database_list_training_course_category
The task can_edit_database_list_training_course_evaluation is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the training course evaluation list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_training_course_database_lists, can_view_database_list_training_course_evaluation
The task can_edit_database_list_training_course_status is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the training course status list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_training_course_database_lists, can_view_database_list_training_course_status
The task can_edit_database_list_training_funder is defined in the module training-institution of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the training funder list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_training_course_database_lists, can_view_database_list_training_funder
The task can_edit_database_list_training_institution is defined in the module training-institution of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit the training institutions list
The task can_edit_database_lists is defined in the module Lists of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can edit some of the lists stored in the database
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_lists
The task can_edit_database_lists_competency is defined in the module simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit all list associated with competency
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_list_competency, can_edit_database_list_competency_type, can_edit_database_list_competency_evaluation, can_edit_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_lists_competency
The task can_edit_employee_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit some employee database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_lists, can_view_employee_database_lists
The task can_edit_geographic_database_lists is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit some geography data
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_lists, can_view_geographic_database_lists
The task can_edit_job_structure_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit some job structure database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_position_database_lists, can_view_job_structure_database_lists
The task can_edit_manage_positions_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit some information about positions
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_manage_positions_database_lists, can_edit_position_database_lists
The task can_edit_organization_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit some organizational database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_lists, can_view_organization_database_lists
The task can_edit_position_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit some position database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_position_database_lists
The task can_edit_scheduled_training_course is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit a scheduled training course
The task can_edit_training_course_database_lists is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit some lists assoicated with the training module
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_edit_database_lists
The task can_evaluate_person_scheduled_training_course is defined in the module training-simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Evaluate a perons's cheduled training course
The task can_view_all_database_lists is defined in the module Lists of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can view all the lists stored in the database
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_list_continuing_education_course, can_view_database_lists, can_view_all_organization_database_lists, can_view_all_employee_database_lists, can_view_position_database_lists, can_view_all_job_structure_database_lists, can_view_all_manage_positions_database_lists
The task can_view_all_employee_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view all employee database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_list_marital_status, can_view_database_list_edu_type, can_view_database_list_degree, can_view_database_list_id_type, can_view_database_list_language, can_view_employee_database_lists, can_view_database_list_benefit_type, can_view_database_list_pos_change_reason, can_view_database_list_competency_evaluation, can_view_database_lists_competency
The task can_view_all_geographic_database_lists is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view all geography data
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_list_currency, can_view_database_list_country, can_view_database_list_region, can_view_database_list_district, can_view_database_list_county, can_view_geographic_database_lists
The task can_view_all_job_structure_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view all job structure database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_list_cadre, can_view_database_list_classification, can_view_database_list_salary_grade, can_view_database_list_job
The task can_view_all_manage_positions_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view all information about positions
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_manage_positions_database_lists, can_view_database_list_position_type, can_view_database_list_position, can_view_database_list_salary_source
The task can_view_all_organization_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view all organizational database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_list_facility, can_view_database_list_facility_type, can_view_database_list_council, can_view_organization_database_lists, can_view_database_list_department
The task can_view_all_training_course_database_lists is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View all lists assoicated with the training module
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_list_continuing_education_course, can_view_database_lists, can_view_database_list_training_course, can_view_database_list_scheduled_training_course, can_view_database_list_training_course_status, can_view_database_list_training_course_requestor, can_view_database_list_training_course_evaluation, can_view_database_list_training_course_category, can_view_database_list_training_institution, can_view_database_list_training_funder, can_view_training_course_database_lists
The task can_view_background_processes is defined in the module BackgroundProcess of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can view background processes
The task can_view_database_list_benefit_type is defined in the module ihris-manage-Benefit of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view the benefit type database list
The task can_view_database_list_cadre is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the cadre list
The task can_view_database_list_classification is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the classification list
The task can_view_database_list_competency is defined in the module simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the competency list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_employee_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_competency_evaluation is defined in the module person-simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the competency evaluation list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_employee_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_competency_type is defined in the module simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the competency type list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_employee_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_continuing_education_course is defined in the module CEUs of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the continuing education list
The task can_view_database_list_council is defined in the module ManageRegistration of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view the council database list
The task can_view_database_list_country is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view country list
The task can_view_database_list_county is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view country list
The task can_view_database_list_currency is defined in the module Currency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view currency information
The task can_view_database_list_degree is defined in the module PersonEducation of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view degree type database lists
The task can_view_database_list_department is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the department list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_organization_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_district is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view district list
The task can_view_database_list_edu_type is defined in the module PersonEducation of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view education type database lists
The task can_view_database_list_facility is defined in the module Facility of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the facility list
The task can_view_database_list_facility_type is defined in the module Facility of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the facility type list
The task can_view_database_list_id_type is defined in the module PersonID of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view the id_type database list
The task can_view_database_list_job is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the job list
The task can_view_database_list_language is defined in the module PersonLanguage of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view the language database list
The task can_view_database_list_marital_status is defined in the module PersonDemographic of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view the department marital status list.
The task can_view_database_list_pos_change_reason is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the pos_change_reason list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_employee_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_position is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the position list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_manage_positions_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_position_type is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the position_type list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_manage_positions_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_region is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view region list
The task can_view_database_list_salary_grade is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the salary_grade list
The task can_view_database_list_salary_source is defined in the module ihris-manage-Salary of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:View the salary_source list
The task can_view_database_list_scheduled_training_course is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the scheduled training course category list
The task can_view_database_list_training_course is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the training course list
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_training_course_database_lists
The task can_view_database_list_training_course_category is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:view the training course category list
The task can_view_database_list_training_course_evaluation is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the training course evaluation list
The task can_view_database_list_training_course_status is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the training course status list
The task can_view_database_list_training_funder is defined in the module training-institution of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the training funder list
The task can_view_database_list_training_institution is defined in the module training-institution of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View the training institutions list
The task can_view_database_lists is defined in the module Lists of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can view some of the lists stored in the database
The task can_view_database_lists_competency is defined in the module simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View all list associated with competency
The task can_view_employee_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view some employee database lists
The task can_view_form_browser is defined in the module formBrowser of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can view form browser
The task can_view_geographic_database_lists is defined in the module Geography of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view some geography data
The task can_view_job_structure_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-Job of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view some job structure database lists
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_position_database_lists
The task can_view_magic_data_browser is defined in the module magicDataBrowser of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can browse magic data
The task can_view_manage_positions_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view some information about positions
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_position_database_lists
The task can_view_organization_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view some organizational database lists
The task can_view_person_scheduled_training_course_evaluation is defined in the module training-simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View a perons's cheduled training course evaluation
The task can_view_position_database_lists is defined in the module ihris-manage of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view some position database lists
The task can_view_training_course_database_lists is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View some lists assoicated with the training module
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: can_view_database_lists
The task custom_reports_admin is defined in the module CustomReports of the package I2CE.
- Description:Administator for custom reports. Can perform all tasks associated with custom reports
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: custom_reports_can_access, custom_reports_delete_reports, custom_reports_can_access_relationships, custom_reports_can_access_reports, custom_reports_can_edit_reportViews, custom_reports_can_view_reportViews
The task custom_reports_can_access is defined in the module CustomReports of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows minimal access to the Custom Reporting System System
The task custom_reports_can_access_relationships is defined in the module CustomReports of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows access to the Custom Report Relationships
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: custom_reports_can_access, custom_reports_can_access_reports, custom_reports_can_edit_reportViews
The task custom_reports_can_access_reports is defined in the module CustomReports of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows access to the Custom Reports
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: custom_reports_can_access, custom_reports_can_edit_reportViews
The task custom_reports_can_edit_reportViews is defined in the module CustomReports of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows editing of the Custom Report Views
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: custom_reports_can_view_reportViews
The task custom_reports_can_view_reportViews is defined in the module CustomReports of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows view of the Custom Report Views
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: custom_reports_can_access
The task custom_reports_delete is defined in the module CustomReports of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows deletion of data about custom reports
The task locales_can_edit_site_locale is defined in the module localeSelector of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows the selection and editting of the locales avaiable to the system for translation
The task person_can_change_child_form_person_position is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can change the existing position of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_edit_child_form_person_position, person_can_view_child_form_person_position
The task person_can_change_child_form_salary is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can change an existing salary of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_edit_child_form_salary, person_can_view_child_form_salary
The task person_can_delete_child_form_salary is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can delete the salary of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_edit_child_form_salary, person_can_view_child_form_salary, person_can_change_child_form_salary
The task person_can_edit is defined in the module Person of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit the person page
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_application is defined in the module ihris-manage-Application of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit aplicaiton child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_application, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_benefit is defined in the module ihris-manage-Benefit of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit benefit child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_benefit, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_demographic is defined in the module PersonDemographic of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit demographic child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_demographic, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_education is defined in the module PersonEducation of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit education child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_education, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_employment is defined in the module PersonEmployment of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit employment child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_employment, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_notes is defined in the module PersonNotes of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit notes child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_notes, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_competency is defined in the module person-simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit person_competency child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_competency_can_view_evaluation_history, person_can_view_child_form_person_competency, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_emergency is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit emergency contact child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_emergency, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_other is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit other contact child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_other, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_personal is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit personal contact child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_personal, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_work is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit work contact child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_work, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_id is defined in the module PersonID of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit person_id child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_id, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_language is defined in the module PersonLanguage of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit person_language child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_language, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_photo_passport is defined in the module PersonPassportPhoto of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit passpport photo of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_photo_passport, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_position is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit the position of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_position
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_resume is defined in the module PersonResume of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit resume of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_resume, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View a perons's scheduled training course
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course
The task person_can_edit_child_form_position_decision is defined in the module ihris-manage-Application of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit position decision child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_position_decision, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_position_interview is defined in the module ihris-manage-Application of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit position interview child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_position_interview, person_can_view
The task person_can_edit_child_form_registration is defined in the module ManageRegistration of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit registration child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_registration, person_can_view, person_can_edit
The task person_can_edit_child_form_salary is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can edit the salary of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_salary
The task person_can_edit_child_forms is defined in the module Person of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can edit all of the child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_edit_child_form_registration, person_can_view_child_forms, person_can_view, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_work, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_personal, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_emergency, person_can_edit_child_form_person_contact_other, person_can_edit_child_form_demographic, person_can_edit_child_form_education, person_can_edit_child_form_employment, person_can_edit_child_form_person_person_id, person_can_edit_child_form_person_language, person_can_edit_child_form_notes, person_can_edit_child_form_person_photo_passport, person_can_edit_child_form_person_resume, person_can_edit_child_form_application, person_can_edit_child_form_position_interview, person_can_edit_child_form_position_decision, person_can_edit_child_form_benefit, person_can_edit_child_form_person_position, person_can_edit_child_form_person_competency, person_can_edit_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course
The task person_can_view is defined in the module Person of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view the person page
The task person_can_view_child_form is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view the salary of a person
The task person_can_view_child_form_application is defined in the module ihris-manage-Application of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view aplicaiton child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_benefit is defined in the module ihris-manage-Benefit of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view benefit child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_demographic is defined in the module PersonDemographic of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view demographic child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_education is defined in the module PersonEducation of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view education child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_employment is defined in the module PersonEmployment of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view employment child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_notes is defined in the module PersonNotes of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view notes child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_competency is defined in the module person-simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view person_competency child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_emergency is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view emergnency contact child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_other is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view other contact child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_personal is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view personal contact child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_work is defined in the module PersonContact of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view work contact child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_id is defined in the module PersonID of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view person_id child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_language is defined in the module PersonLanguage of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view person_language child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_photo_passport is defined in the module PersonPassportPhoto of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view passport photo of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_position is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view the position of a person
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_resume is defined in the module PersonResume of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view resume of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View a perons's scheduled training course
The task person_can_view_child_form_position_decision is defined in the module ihris-manage-Application of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view position decision child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_position_interview is defined in the module ihris-manage-Application of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view position interview child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_registration is defined in the module ManageRegistration of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view registration child form of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view
The task person_can_view_child_form_salary is defined in the module ihris-manage-PersonPosition of the package iHRIS Manage.
- Description:Can view an existing salary of a person
The task person_can_view_child_forms is defined in the module Person of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view all of the child forms of a person
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_can_view_child_form_registration, person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_work, person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_personal, person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_emergency, person_can_view_child_form_person_contact_other, person_can_view_child_form_demographic, person_can_view_child_form_education, person_can_view_child_form_employment, person_can_view_child_form_person_person_id, person_can_view_child_form_person_language, person_can_view_child_form_notes, person_can_view_child_form_person_photo_passport, person_can_view_child_form_person_resume, person_can_view_child_form_application, person_can_view_child_form_position_interview, person_can_view_child_form_position_decision, person_can_view_child_form_benefit, person_can_view_child_form_person_position, person_can_view_child_form_salary, person_can_view_child_form_person_competency, person_competency_can_view_evaluation_history, person_can_view_child_form_person_scheduled_training_course
The task person_competency_can_view_evaluation_history is defined in the module person-simple-competency of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Can view the competency evaluation history of a person
The task person_scheduled_training_course_can_edit_evaluation is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:Edit a perons's scheduled training course evaluations
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: person_scheduled_training_course_can_view_evaluation
The task person_scheduled_training_course_can_view_evaluation is defined in the module training-course of the package iHRIS Common.
- Description:View a perons's scheduled training course evaluations
The task tasks_and_roles_admin is defined in the module tasks-roles of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows complete access to the Task and Role Management System
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: tasks_and_roles_can_access, tasks_and_roles_can_edit_roles, tasks_and_roles_can_edit_tasks
The task tasks_and_roles_can_access is defined in the module tasks-roles of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows minimal access to the Task and Role Management System
The task tasks_and_roles_can_edit_roles is defined in the module tasks-roles of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows edit access to the Role Management System
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: tasks_and_roles_can_access, tasks_and_roles_can_edit_roles
The task tasks_and_roles_can_edit_tasks is defined in the module tasks-roles of the package I2CE.
- Description:Allows edit access to the Task Management System
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: tasks_and_roles_can_access, tasks_and_roles_can_edit_tasks
The task users_can_edit is defined in the module UserForm of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can create a user on the system
The task users_can_edit_all is defined in the module UserForm of the package I2CE.
- Description:Can edit all the users in the system.
- Can perform the following sub-tasks: users_can_edit