Provider Registry Web Services

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These are web services cases for interacting with the provider registry. Please see the requirements and use cases

Web Service: PR-WS-1 Get Enterprise Professional ID

Fetches a HC Professional Enterprise ID for the professional specified by the professional ID parameter.

URL /ws/rest/v1/lookupbyid/epid
GET Parameters This contains only 2 parameters to identify the professional to return ${id_type} and ${id_number}

Where ${id-type} is one of the following:

  • NID - for a national identification number
  • APN - for an application number
  • PPN - for passport number
  • SSN - for social security number
and ${id_number} is the value of the associated id
GET Response
  • HTTP 200 - OK
  • The HTTP response body will contain the epid as plain text.
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v1/lookupbyid/epid/?id_type=NID&id_number=1234567890

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-1

Web Service: PR-WS-2 Query For Providers

Fetches a HC Professional Enterprise ID for the professional specified by the professional ID parameter.

URL /ws/rest/v2/query/providers
GET Parameters The following query parameters are allowed:
  • ${size} The maximum number number of EPIDs to return. Defaults to 50.
  • ${start} The starting offset for listing EPIDs. Defaults to 10.
  • The following search possible parameters will be "and"ed together
    • ${firstname} The provider's given name.
    • ${surname} The professional’s family name.
    • ${fosaid} The FOSAID for the facility a provider is posted to.
    • ${location} The code for the organizational unit under which the provider is posted.
    • ${category} The category (or cadre) of the provider.
    • ${type} The type of the provider 'PPS' for paid-public sector or 'CHW' for community health worker.
  • {format}The response format. One of 'hl7' or 'json'.
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK

The HTTP response body will contain a list of matching EIDSs as specified by the ${format} parameter:

  • If ${format}=json. Example:


    providers: {
      211312: {
        providerDetails : '',
        editProvider : '',
        addPost : '',
        queryPosts : '',
        viewProvider : '
      131241241: {
        providerDetails : '',
        editProvider : '',
        addPost : '',
        queryPosts : '',
        viewProvider : '
    total_size : 300,
    start: 10


  • ${format}=hl7. one per professional that matches the criteria, that contains the details of that professional. These messages will be contained within a RSS feed XML message. HL7v2 message specification and mapping:
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/query/providers/?foasid=123&size=2&start=10
Notes Need to good way for limiting response length. See A collection: the list of bugs in the Launchpad API

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-2

Web Service: PR-WS-3 Get Provider Detail

Fetches details of a provider by their EPID or other identification type.

URL /ws/rest/v2/details/provider
GET Parameters This contains the followng parameters to identify the provider whose details we shall return:

$epid. The providers EPID. Required.

  • ${format}The response format. One of 'json' or 'hl7'. Defaults to 'json',
GET Response
  • HTTP 200 - OK
  • For HL7 See QueryProfessionalRSS.xml
  • For JSON we return an associative array containing the provider's details as well as URLs related to various actions to perform on the provider:


 firstname: "Bill",
 surname:  "Smith",
 cadre: "Nurse",
 email: "",
 passport: "12312312",
 mutuelle: "123123444",
 csr:  "123123",
 nid:  "333",
 actions: {
   providerDetails: '',
   editProvider: '',
   addPost: '',
   queryPosts: '',
   viewProvider: ''
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-3

Web Service: PR-WS-4 Query For Postings

Fetches details of a provider's postings by their EPID.

URL /ws/rest/v2/query/posts
GET Parameters This contains the following parameters to identify the provider whose details we shall return. The values of epid, foasid and orgunit are "and"ed together:
  • ${epid} The provider's EPID. Optional.
  • ${fosaid} The facility code. Optional.
  • ${orgunit} The code for the organizational unit for the posting. Optional
  • ${type} The type of the provider, one of PPS or CHW. Optional.
  • ${category} The category/cadre of the provider. Optional.
  • ${format}The response format. One of 'hl7' or 'json'
  • ${size} The maximum number number of IDs to return. Defaults to 50.
  • ${start} The starting offset for listing IDs. Defaults to 10.
GET Response
  • HTTP 200 - OK
  • If the format='hl7' .....
  • If the format='json' we return an array of associative arrays. The associative arrays have keys for the post attributes. For example:


 total_size : 2,
 start: 0,
 posts: {
   98798798 : {
   9878799 : {
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-4

Web Service: PR-WS-5 Add a Provider

Add Provider Details

URL /ws/rest/v2/add/provider
GET Parameters The following webservice should accept the following parameters:
  • ${firstname} The first name of the provider. Required.
  • ${surname} The surname of the provider. Required.
  • ${nationality} The nationality of the provider coded according to ISO-3166-1 alpha-3. Required.
  • ${nid} The national id. Required.
  • ${passport} The passport number. Optional.
  • ${mutuelle} The mutuelle number. Optional.
  • ${csr} The CSR number. Optional.
  • ${respformat} Describes response format. Optional. Default is 'http', can also be 'json.'
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK
  • If ${repsformat} is 'http' the HTTP response body will contain the epid as plain text of the newly created provider.
  • If ${respformat} is 'json' it will contain a JSON object with the field 'epid' of the newly created provider as well as the URLs to access for further web-service actions to perform on the provider.


    epid: 211312,
    actions: {
      providerDetails: '',
      editProvider: '',
      addPost: '',
      queryPosts: '',
      viewProvider: ''
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/add/provider/?firstname=Bill&surname=Smith&nationality=RW&nid=12312342

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-5

Web Service: PR-WS-6 Edit a Provider

Edit Provider Details

URL /ws/rest/v2/edit/provider
GET Parameters The following webservice should accept the following parameters:
  • ${epid} The EPID of the provider. Required.
  • ${surname} The surname of the provider. Optional.
  • ${nationality} The nationality of the provider coded according to ISO-3166-1 alpha-3. Optional.
  • ${nid} The national id. Optional.
  • ${passport} The passport number. Optional.
  • ${mutuelle} The mutuelle number. Optional.
  • ${csr} The CSR number. Optional.
  • ${respformat} Describes response format. Optional. Default is 'http', can also be 'json.'
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK
  • If ${repsformat} is 'http' the HTTP response body will contain the epid as plain text.
  • If ${respformat} is 'json' it will contain a JSON object with the single field 'epid.'

further web-service actions to perform on the provider



    epid: 211312,
    actions: {
     providerDetails: '',
     editProvider: '',
     addPost: '',
     queryPosts: '',
     viewProvider: ''
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/edit/provider/?provder=m&reg_body=2

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-6

Web Service: PR-WS-7 Get Post Details

Show details of a provider's post

URL /ws/rest/v2/details/post
GET Parameters The following query parameters are allowed:
  • ${id} The id of the post
  • {format}The response format. One of 'json', ?'hl7'?
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK

Example: {

    type: 'PPS',  #One of PPS or CHW
    category: 'NURSE', 
    fosaid: '012321',
    orgunit: '197834',
    startdate: '1992-12-22'  #year, month, day
    actions: {
       postDetails: '',
       editPost: ''
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/details/post/?id=12312321312
Notes Need to good way for limiting response length. See A collection: the list of bugs in the Launchpad API

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-7

Web Service: PR-WS-8 Add a Post

Add Post Details

URL /ws/rest/v2/add/post
GET Parameters The following webservice should accept the following parameters:
  • ${type} The type of the post. One of 'PPS' for Paid-Public Sector or 'CHW' for Community Health Worker. Required.
  • ${category} The category/cadre of the providerm e.g. Nurse, Doctor. Required.
  • ${foasid} The facility code for this posting. Required.
  • ${orgunit} The organizational unit for this posting. Required.
  • ${startdate} The date the post is in effect. Format is 'YYYY-mm-dd'. Optional.
  • ${enddate} The date the post is no longer in effect. Format is 'YYYY-mm-dd'. Optional.
  • ${respformat} Describes response format. Optional. Default is 'http', can also be 'json.'
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK
  • If ${repsformat} is 'http' the HTTP response body will contain the id as plain text of the newly created posting
  • If ${respformat} is 'json' it will contain a JSON object with the field 'id' of the newly created post as well as the URLs to access for further web-service actions to perform on the post.


    id: 211312,
    actions: {
      editPost: '',
      postDetails: '',
      viewPost: '',       
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/add/post/?category=NURSE&type=PPS&fosaid=12312&orgunit=2133

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-8

Web Service: PR-WS-9 Edit a Post

Edit details on existing post

URL /ws/rest/v2/edit/post
GET Parameters The following webservice should accept the following parameters:
  • ${type} The type of the post. One of 'PPS' for Paid-Public Sector or 'CHW' for Community Health Worker. Required.
  • ${category} The category/cadre of the providerm e.g. Nurse, Doctor. Optional.
  • ${foasid} The facility code for this posting. Optional.
  • ${orgunit} The organizational unit for this posting. Optional.
  • ${startdate} The date the post is in effect. Format is 'YYYY-mm-dd'. Optional.
  • ${enddate} The date the post is no longer in effect. Format is 'YYYY-mm-dd'. Optional.
  • ${respformat} Describes response format. Optional. Default is 'http', can also be 'json.'
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK
  • If ${repsformat} is 'http' the HTTP response body will contain the id as plain text of the editied posting
  • If ${respformat} is 'json' it will contain a JSON object with the field 'id' of the editedpost as well as the URLs to access for further web-service actions to perform on the post.


    id: 211312,
    actions: {
      editPost: '',
      postDetails: '',
      viewPost: '',       
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/edit/post/?category=NURSE&type=PPS&fosaid=12312&orgunit=2133

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-9