Support of CSD in iHRIS

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Introduction and Overview

Care Services Discovery (CSD) is a standard that provides a common way for various systems of health workforce information to represent and share data between themselves. The support for CSD in iHRIS was introduced in iHRIS version 4.2 where by various CSD documents can be published and get subscribed by other systems.

Accessing CSD Cache Administration in iHRIS

CSD Cache Administration page can be accessed by clicking the Configure System link and then click on the Care Services Discovery link. This will open a CSD Cache Administration page that has Full and Individual CSD documents,Individual CSD documents can be joined together to form Full CSD Documents.

Individual CSD Documents

By Default this has six different documents which are

  1. Country Document-Has country information.
  2. County Document-Has county information.
  3. District Document-Has list of all districts in a country.
  4. Region Document-Has a list of all Regions in a country.
  5. Facility Document-Has list of all facilities in all districts.
  6. Manage Document-This has a list of all health workers with the minimum data set defined by WHO i.e Demographic etc. It is manage simply because this page was accessed from iHRIS Manage,but it could have been qualify if it was generated from iHRIS Qualify.

Country,Region,District and County are used to make an organization directory.

Managing Individual CSD Documents

Clicking on any of the individual CSD documents,the following menus are displayed;

  1. Get CSD Document - Specific CSD documents can be downloaded by clicking on this menu.
  2. Get Underlying Form Relationship Dump - This is used to view the relationship of all data that are transformed into CSD
  3. XSL Transform - This is the one that takes the Relationship Dump and turns it into CSD.
  4. Update CSD Cache - This is used to generate CSD Documents,This will generate caches of all persons or any primary form that has been defined in the form relationship basing on the last modified time of each record since the last cache was generated.
  5. Enable/Disable CSD Cache - This is used to enable or disable CSD Documents.Disabled CSD Documents wont be included in the full CSD Document,the full CSD Document will include only those CSD Documents which are enabled. So with this it is possible to decide which type of information can be shared to other systems.
  6. Clear CSD Cache - This is used to clear any generated CSD Cache.

Full CSD Document

Full CSD Document can be Individual CSD documents discussed above,are the ones which can be merged to form the Full CSD Document. And this will include only those CSD Documents which are enabled. The Full CSD Document has three menus;

  1. Get CSD Document - The Generated CSD Document can be viewed by clicking this link,this document will include all the enabled individual CSD documents.
  2. Update All Enabled CSD Caches - CSD Documents can also be generated through this link,but this link will generate all the enabled individual CSD Documents. Only updated records since the last update are the ones which are pulled.
  3. Clear All Enabled CSD Caches - This is used to clear the Full CSD Document that have been generated.

Sharing Published CSD Documents

Published CSD Documents in iHRIS can be shared using an API which is located after sub-menus that are under the Full CSD Document.Username and password will be required to pull any shared documents