Web Service:PR-WS-4

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Web Service: PR-WS-4 Query For Postings

Fetches details of a provider's postings by their EPID.

URL /ws/rest/v2/query/posts
GET Parameters This contains the following parameters to identify the provider whose details we shall return. The values of epid, foasid and orgunit are "and"ed together:
  • ${epid} The provider's EPID. Optional.
  • ${fosaid} The facility code. Optional.
  • ${orgunit} The code for the organizational unit for the posting. Optional
  • ${type} The type of the provider, one of PPS or CHW. Optional.
  • ${category} The category/cadre of the provider. Optional.
  • ${format}The response format. One of 'hl7' or 'json'
  • ${size} The maximum number number of IDs to return. Defaults to 50.
  • ${start} The starting offset for listing IDs. Defaults to 10.
GET Response
  • HTTP 200 - OK
  • If the format='hl7' .....
  • If the format='json' we return an array of associative arrays. The associative arrays have keys for the post attributes. For example:


 total_size : 2,
 start: 0,
 posts: {
   98798798 : {
      editPost: http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/edit/post?id=98798798',
      postDetails: http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/details/post?id=98798798'
   9878799 : {
      editPost: http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/edit/post?id=98798799',
      postDetails: http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/details/post?id=98798799'
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-4