Web Service:PR-WS-7

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Web Service: PR-WS-7 Get Post Details

Show details of a provider's post

URL /ws/rest/v2/details/post
GET Parameters The following query parameters are allowed:
  • ${id} The id of the post
  • {format}The response format. One of 'json', ?'hl7'?
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK

Example: {

    type: 'PPS',  #One of PPS or CHW
    category: 'NURSE', 
    fosaid: '012321',
    orgunit: '197834',
    startdate: '1992-12-22'  #year, month, day
    actions: {
       postDetails: 'http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/details/post?id=211312',
       editPost: 'http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/edit/post?id=211312'
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/details/post/?id=12312321312
Notes Need to good way for limiting response length. See A collection: the list of bugs in the Launchpad API

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-7