Web Service:PR-WS-9

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Web Service: PR-WS-9 Edit a Post

Edit details on existing post

URL /ws/rest/v2/edit/post
GET Parameters The following webservice should accept the following parameters:
  • ${type} The type of the post. One of 'PPS' for Paid-Public Sector or 'CHW' for Community Health Worker. Required.
  • ${category} The category/cadre of the providerm e.g. Nurse, Doctor. Optional.
  • ${foasid} The facility code for this posting. Optional.
  • ${orgunit} The organizational unit for this posting. Optional.
  • ${startdate} The date the post is in effect. Format is 'YYYY-mm-dd'. Optional.
  • ${enddate} The date the post is no longer in effect. Format is 'YYYY-mm-dd'. Optional.
  • ${respformat} Describes response format. Optional. Default is 'http', can also be 'json.'
GET Response HTTP 200 - OK
  • If ${repsformat} is 'http' the HTTP response body will contain the id as plain text of the editied posting
  • If ${respformat} is 'json' it will contain a JSON object with the field 'id' of the editedpost as well as the URLs to access for further web-service actions to perform on the post.


    id: 211312,
    actions: {
      editPost: 'http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/edit/post?id=992312',
      postDetails: 'http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/webservices/details/post?id=992312',
      viewPost: 'http://rhea-pr.ihris.org/providerregistry/post?id=post%7C992312',       
GET Error
  • HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.
  • HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the parameters are malformed.
GET Example /ws/rest/v2/edit/post/?category=NURSE&type=PPS&fosaid=12312&orgunit=2133

Other Resources: Use Case:PR-WS-9