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==CSD Links==
{{#externalredirect: https://wiki.ohie.org/display/SUB/CSD+Prototyping+Interface}}
**[ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/iheitiyr11-2013-2014/Technical_Cmte/WorkItems/CareServicesDiscovery/  IHE FTP] site
*XQuery Engines
**In browser javascript engine: [http://xqib.org/ xqib]
**[http://basex.org/ BaseX] XML Database
**[http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/homepage/index.html exist-db]
**[http://www.zorba.io/ Zorba]
***Zorba and [https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/zorba-users/SeJNGRJA8Og large data sets]
***IBM's [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-zorba/ Zorba and PHP] article
***Zorba [https://launchpad.net/zorba source code]
***Zorba and PHP [http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1487285/php/php.html introductory slides]
**[http://luxdb.org LUX]
*XQuery Engine Comparison
**Evaluation Criteria: Programming Language, Source Code Last Updated, Source Documentation, XQuery verison, XQuery Update Facility support, Data storage, Index, Client libraries (PHP, Python, Java,etc.), Mailing List/User Forum last activity
==Implementation Notes==
===Potential Issues for Public Comment===
*how to map hcIdentifier used in HPD to II ?
*no date of birth in persons 
*do we need Org/Facility Contact to be required?
*orgType, orgTypeDescription, orgPrimaryName are all required but perhaps should not be.  similarly for facility.
*minoccurs on orglanguage is not set, but is set for facilityLanguage
*no place to add other identifiers for facility
*should creation date be required?
*facility can be in multiple facilityorgid?  how to represent one facility in multiple hierarchies that are not necc. mapped to services 
*is a lastmodified time/create time for CSD doc needed?
===Zorba as XQuery Server===
installed subversion according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion
*subversion installed under /home/svn/CSD with autoversioning for PUT files
*webdav under http://csd.ihris.org/svn/CSD
**user: csd  pass: ASK CARL FOR IT
*to check out:  svn co http://csd.ihris.org/svn/CSD CSD --username csd
**currently checked out to svn sub-directory of dropbox folder
*checked out the repo under /home/ubuntu:
**svn co http://csd.ihris.org/svn/CSD /home/ubuntu/CSD
*in svn repository, the www directory should be linked to under /var/www:
**sudo ln -s /home/ubuntu/CSD/www /var/www/CSD
*webdav php client
**pear channel-discover pear.sabredav.org
**pear install sabredav/Sabre_Dav
**Probably better do an apt-get isntall.  don't remember the package name

Latest revision as of 19:36, 3 July 2013