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This article describes the class ''I2CE_FileSearch''.
#REDIRECT [[Class: I2CE_FileSearch (4.1.12)]]
*Child Classes:
** [[Class: I2CE_FileSearch_Caching | I2CE_FileSearch_Caching]]
*Location: Part of the module [[I2CE Module List#I2CE|I2CE]] in the package [ I2CE]
*Source: Defined in the file [ lib/I2CE_FileSearch.php]
Class to handle file searching.
If not null, it is the file system path that all paths are attempted to resolve to. If null, all resolved paths are absolute @protected static string $relative_path
*Type: static protected $relative_path
The root drive of the relative path e.g. "C:" on windows or '/' on unix. on windows unix it may or may  not  contains the trailing "\" due to the following maddness: *realpath(C:) is C:\ *realpath(C:\) is C:\ *realpath(C:\\) is C:\ *realpath(C:\some) is C:\some *realpath(C:\some\) is C:\some @protected static string $relative_root
*Type: static protected $relative_root
The parts of the relative path.  On windows, it does '''not''' include the drive letter. @protected static array of string $relative_parts
*Type: static protected $relative_parts
The found locale(s) .  One of: FALSE, a string, or an array.  The former two in the case of a single serach, the later in case of a $find_all search
*Type: protected [ mixed ] $found_locales
.  Keys are categories. Values are arrrays of string, the preferred locales.
*Type: protected [ array ] $preferred_locales
*Type: protected $ordered_paths
protected $var boolean $absolut -- wheter or not to make relative paths absolut based on the directory of the calling file
*Type: protected $absolut
protected $var boolean $search_hidden.  Whether or not to search hidden sub-directories
*Type: protected $search_hidden
protected @var boolean $search_cwd. Whether or not to seach the current working directory
*Type: protected $search_cwd
protected @var array $last_order values are the order of the last thing added to the category keys are the classes.
*Type: protected $last_order
protected @var array $checked_directories array with keys directories and values boolean It is true if the directory has already been checked.  Used to avoid recursion,
*Type: protected $checked_directories
Constructor for the FileSearch class
*Signature: public function __construct($hidden,$current_working,$make_absolut)
** [ boolean ] $hidden <br/>Defaults to false.  Whether or not to search hidden sub-directories.  At the moment it does not have meaning on non unix like platforms.
***Default Value: false
** [ boolean ] $current_working <br/>Defaults to false. Whether or not to search the current working directory for the file.  If so, it checks there first, before the other paths.
***Default Value: false
** [ boolean ] $make_absolut <br/>Defaults to false.  Whether or not to make a relative path absolute when adding it.
***Default Value: false
Function to search through a list of paths to find a specified file.
*Signature: protected function _resolve($regExps,$paths,$find_all,$dir_prefix,$reset_found_locales)
** [ array ] $regExps <br/>If desired_file is null then, then $regExp is a list of regular expression to match file names on.
** [ array ] $paths <br/>of string.  The keys are the paths we want to search, the values are the locale they are in
** [ boolean ] $find_all <br/>If true we find all files, otherwise we return on the first match
** [ string ] $dir_prefix <br/>any directory we want to prepend onto the file name.
***Default Value: ''
** [ boolean ] $reset_found_locales <br/>Defualts to false
***Default Value: false
Makes a relative file path or file url absolute relative to the directory that the function was called in.
*Signature: static public function absolut($path,$indx)
** [ string ] $path <br/>a path or URL
** [ int ] $indx <br/>the index, from the top level, to consider the calling file defaults to 0 which is the file that is calling this.
***Default Value: 0
*Returns: [ string ]<br/>the absolute path or URL
A path to search for a category of files.
*Signature: public function addPath($category,$path,$order,$absolut,$path_prefix,$locales)
** [ string ] $category <br/>the category of files.
** [ string ] $path <br/>the parh (or glob pattern for a path) to add.  There a a few modifications to the globbing... A trailing '**' means that the paths should be added recursivley Paths are automatically checked for localized version by the presence of a 'en_US' subdirectory. specifically, if a path is added such as /my/path  and there is a subdir called /my/path/en_US  then all subdirectories which are in the preffered locales (or $locales below) are added. Examples:  /usr/share/fonts/      adds in this directory to the search paths /usr/share/fonts/*  adds in all subdirectories /usr/share/fonts/**  recusively adds in all subdirecties /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf*  adds in all directories begining with ttf
** [ mixed ] $order <br/>If it is a  number, then it indicates the order in which this path is  searched. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If multiple paths share the same order, the order in which they are searched is not specfied The are also special string values of $order (all are relative to the category specified): <ul> <li>'LAST' -- add at the last added order </li> <li>'LOWEST' -- add so it has the lowest order thus far  </li> <li>'HIGHEST' -- add so it has the highest order thus far </li> <li>'EVEN_LOWER' -- add so it has lower order than anything thus far.  This is the default behavior </li> <li>'EVEN_HIGHER' -- add so it has higher  order than anything thus far </li> </ul>
***Default Value: 'EVEN_LOWER'
** [ boolean ] $absolut <br/>whether or not to try to make a relative path absolut.  It will overide (but not change) the global behaviour of this instance.
***Default Value: null
** [ string ] $path_prefix <br/>Defaults to null.  Any prefix to add to a local class path (if we do make absolute)
***Default Value: null
** [ mixed ] $locales <br/>null(default) , string or array of string.  Used to override the default locale settings when not the defaults of null. It is the list of localized sub-directories to search for, if the given glob is a subdirectory.
***Default Value: null
Set whether or not to make relative paths absolute
*Signature: public function changeRelativeToAbsolut($absolut)
** [ boolean ] $absolut
Convert a relative windows path with / to  one with \
*Signature: static public function convertUnixToWin($path)
** [ string ] $path returns $string
Finds all files with a given extension in the category
*Signature: public function findByRegularExpression($category,$regExps,$find_all,$dir_prefix)
** [ string ] $category
** [ mixed ] $regExps <br/>It may be a string, in which case it is a regular expression to match file names on.  It may be an array of strings, them we attempt a match against each of the regular expressions specified by the strings.
** [ boolean ] $find_all <br/>If true we find all files, otherwise we return on the first match
** [ string ] $dir_prefix <br/>any directory we want to prepend onto the file name.
***Default Value: ''
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>of string
On windows, convert a given file in a given directory to a 8.3 filename
*Signature: static protected function findWinShortFileName($file,$dir)
** [ string ] $file
*Returns: [ string ]
Attempt to convert a windows long path name to its 8.3 version
*Signature: static public function findWinShortPathName($file)
** [ string ] $file <br/>The absoluate path to a file/directory
*Returns: @string Example:  C:\Program Files\my_long_dir  becomes c:\program~1\my_lon~1
Get the categories specified
*Signature: public function getCategories()
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>of string
Get the last order set for the specified category.
*Signature: public function getLastOrder($category)
** [ string ] $category
*Returns: [ int ]
Get the locale(s) of the results of the last search.
*Signature: public function getLocaleOfLastSearch()
*Returns: mixed.<br/>If the last search has $find_all = false then either false if no file was found or a string, the locale in which the the results was found.  If the $find_all was true, then it is an array of string, the locales of the files found.
Returns the parts of a path split up according to the directory spearator.  Does _not_ check to see if the given $path is valid
*Signature: static public function getParts($path,$dir_sep,$esc_char,$ignore_empty)
** [ string ] $path @param mixed string $dir_sep.  chracter or array of charaterds. Defautls to DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.  A single character used as the directory sepearator
** [ string ] $esc_char <br/>Defautls to '\' if $dir_sep is '/' and detaults to none if the $dir_sep is '\'. Set it to false if you don't want any escape characters
***Default Value: null
** [ boolean ] $ignore_empty <br/>If true (default), we dont add "empty" parts e.g. C:\some\\path returns array('c:','some','path'). Exmaple: \toolkit\path returns array('toolkit','path')
***Default Value: true
*Returns: $array
Returns the path which all files are attempted to resolve relative to
*Signature: static public function getRelativePath()
*Returns: [ mixed ]<br/>string, the path, or null if there is no relative path
Attempts to get the base directory of the given path. On unix (or non-windows) this is always '/' On windows it is the drive with colon and no trailing slash, e.g. 'E:'
*Signature: static public function getRootPath($path)
** [ string ] $path <br/>An absolute path
*Returns: mixed.<br/>A string on success, null on failure
Gets the search path for the specified catgegory
*Signature: public function getSearchPath($category,$localized)
** [ string ] $category
** [ boolean ] $localized <br/>(FALSE)
***Default Value: FALSE
*Returns: array.<br/>If not localized with keys integers, the orders, and values an array of strings, the paths for that order, if $localized is TRUE, and keys are paths values are locales.
Checks to see if a path is absolute. All files identified by a URI/L are considered to be absolute
*Signature: static public function isAbsolut($path)
*Returns: [ boolean ]
Remove sub-directories from a category
*Signature: public function limitToSubdir($category,$limit)
** [ string ] $category
** [ string ] $limit <br/>The subdirectory to limit to.
***Default Value: ""
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>List of directories
Gets the real path, realpath(),  of a given path on unix. On windows, if the relative path is not set, then this is just realpath(), otherwise it tries to resolve it as a path relative to the [[#$relative_root | $relative_root]] return mixed. String or false on failure
*Signature: static public function realPath($path)
Gets the relative real path of a given path on a windows box. If the relative path is not set, then this is just realpath(), otherwise it tries to resolve it as a path relative to the [[#$relative_root | $relative_root]] See windows path conventions.
*Signature: static public function relativePath($path)
** [ string ] $path return mixed. String or false on failure
Remove a path in a category
*Signature: public function removePath($category,$path,$absolut,$path_prefix)
** [ string ] $category
** [ string ] $path
** [ boolean ] $absolut <br/>whether or not to try to make a relative path absolut.  It will overide (but not change) the global behaviour of this instance.
***Default Value: FALSE
** [ string ] $path_prefix <br/>Defaults to null.  Any prefix to add to a relative class path (if we do make absolute)
***Default Value: NULL
Remove a list of paths from the category path list.
*Signature: public function removePaths($category,$path_list)
** [ string ] $category
** [ array ] $path_list <br/>The subdirectory to limit to.
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>List of directories
*Signature: public function reset()
Reset the found locales
*Signature: protected function resetFoundLocales($multiple)
** [ boolean ] $multiple <br/>If true setup so we are returning multiple resutls.  otherwise we return a single result
Function to search through a list of paths to find a specified file.
*Signature: public function resolve($regExps,$paths,$find_all,$dir_prefix,$reset_found_locales)
** [ array ] $regExps <br/>If desired_file is null then, then $regExp is a list of regular expression to match file names on.
** [ array ] $paths <br/>of string.  The keys are the paths we want to search, the values are the locale they are in
** [ boolean ] $find_all <br/>If true we find all files, otherwise we return on the first match
** [ string ] $dir_prefix <br/>any directory we want to prepend onto the file name.
***Default Value: ''
** [ boolean ] $reset_found_locales <br/>Defualts to false
***Default Value: false
Find a file (or directory) of a certain category
*Signature: public function search($category,$filename,$find_all)
** [ string ] $category <br/>the category of the file
** [ string ] $filename <br/>the file name of the file we wish to find
** [ boolean ] $find_all <br/>Defaults to false
***Default Value: FALSE
*Returns: mixed.<br/>Returns either a string which is the path and file name of the file we found, or null if we did not find the file, or an array of file names if $find_all was set to true
*Signature: public function searchCurrentWorkingDirectory($search)
*Signature: public function searchHiddenSubdirectories($search)
Search paths for matches to the regular expression
*Signature: public function searchPaths($find_all,$regExps,$paths,$prefix)
** [ boolean ] $find_all <br/>FALSE = return only the first hit.
** [ array ] $regExps <br/>Regular expressions to match
** [ array ] $paths <br/>Paths to look in
** [ string ] $prefix <br/>Directory prefix
*Returns: [ array ]<br/>List of directories
Set the preferred locale(s) for a category. If not set, defaults the locales default to I2CE::DEFAULT_LOCALE
*Signature: public function setPreferredLocales($category,$locales,$validate)
** [ string ] $category
** [ mixed ] $locales <br/>string or array of string. The locales.
** [ boolean ] $validate <br/>Defaults to true.
***Default Value: true
Attempts to set the path for which all files are referenced relative to.  not implemented for unix. This is mainly used for the usb-toolkit on windows:
*Signature: static public function setRelativePath($path)
** [ string ] $path
[[Category:Class Documentation]]

Latest revision as of 10:43, 18 August 2015