Class: I2CE PrintedForm Render (4.0.6)

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This article describes the abstract class I2CE_PrintedForm_Render .

@filesource Class I2CE_PrintedForm_Render



. The standardized printed form we are rendeding


. The ids of the primary form in the relationship


The magic data path that we look for the base relationship in.


The form relationshiop


@var protected I2CE_MagicDataNode $stdConfg the magic data node for the standard config


. Main options for page layout


. Content descrtiption


. Indedx by id's of the primary form it is an array of the forms satisfying the relationship


The id of the form currently being processed




  • Defined in i2ce/modules/Forms/modules/PrintedForms/lib/I2CE_PrintedForm_Render.php on line 56
  • Signature: public function __construct($std_form,$ids,$base_rel_config)
  • Parameters:
    • string $std_form
      The standardized printed form we are rendeding @parm array $ids of string. The ids of the primary form in the relationship
    • $ids
    • string $base_rel_config
      The magic data path that we look for the base relationship in. Defaults to /modules/CustomReports/relationships
      • Default Value: '/modules/CustomReports/relationships'


business method to render the forms


Adds the form data at the specified position on the current page.


Add a page to the rendered document


Abstract method to retreive/display the contents of the rendered forms


Gets the id of the form currently being processsed


Get the form data for the given id


Abstract business method to render a text element from the elements tree


Abstract business method to render a text element from the elements tree


Processes the printf string and args


Abstract method to render the form. Makes sure all ducks are in a row


Sets the id of the form currently being processsed


Validates the text properties

Inherited Methods


This public method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->_hasMethod()

Inherited Fuzzy Methods


This method is inherited from I2CE_Fuzzy->userMessage()