Creating Translations

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Revision as of 09:39, 28 September 2013 by Karla Matus (talk | contribs)

Esta página describe los pasos necesarios para traducer un modulo en el sistema iHRIS una vez que todo se ha etiquetado correctamente para permitir la traducción.

Hay varios pasos en este proceso:

  • Extraer el texto que se puede traducir en un archivo .pot
  • Realice las traducciones del texto base en Ingles en Launchpad. Estas se exportan a la branch bzr.
  • Traduzca los archivos .xml y .html en base a las traducciones guardadas en la branch bzr en lauchpad.

Crear Plantillas de Traducción(.pot file)

Si actualiza un archivo para .html que necesita traducción, debe actualizar el archivo .pot file para el modulo que contiene ese archive. Puede hacerlo al ejecutar:


desde el directorio top-level del paquete. Esto debe realizarse antes de comprometerlo a bzr. Launchpad verá los .pot files y actualizará las traducciones disponibles en launchpad. Todos los archivos .pot y cualquier archivo de configuracion del modulo que encuentre. Los archivos .pot se guardan bajo translations/templates y el archivo de configuración del modulo se guarda en <MODULE_DIR>/configs/en_US.

El script translate_create_tempaltes.php debe ejecutarse en el directorio top-level <DIR> de un paquete. The usage as of version 4.0.0:

cd <DIR>

<I2CE_DIRECTORY>/tools/translate_create_templates.php --help

Usage: translate_create_templates.php
  [--template_dir=$template_dir]: The directory to store .pot template files in
    If not set, we use ./translations/templates
  [--remove-strings=T/F] set to true to always remove the string from a module's .pot
    which are no longer present in the module
  [--modules=$module1,$module2..$moduleN]: The module(s) for which we wish  to operate on 
    If not specified, it uses  every valid module
  [--search_dirs=$dir1,$dir2]: Set the search directories for modules
    If not specified, we search <DIR>,<DIR>/sites/*
  [--limit_search=T/F]: Limit the module search results of found sub-modules of a top-level 
    Defaults to T.
  [--categories=$cat1,$cat2]: The categories to search
    If not specificed we search TEMPLATES
  [--create-configs=T/F]  set to true to always create ./configs
    directory and add to to config.xml if there are translatable strings.
  [--overwrite-configs=T/F] set to true to always overwrite the translated

Traducir Texto

Utilizamos y para menjar las traducciones. Vea la lista de iHRIS Core Translations


The utility translate_templates.php is found under i2ce/tools and should be run from the top-level directory <PACKAGE_DIR> of the package. It create the translated html template files and configuration files.

Usage for Version 4.0.4

 Usage: translate_templates.php
  [--read_po_files=$read_po_files]: Tries to read .po files for the given locale rather than an export
     Defaults to false
  [--templates_dir=$read_po_files]: Where  to read .po files from
     Defaults to $templates_dir
  [--archive=$archive]: The archive consisting of all translationd
     Defaults to ./translations/launchpad-export.tar.gz
  [--locales=$locale1,$locale2..$localeN]: The locales we wish to translate for
     If not specified, it uses  every valid subdirectory of in the translations archive file
  [--only_changed=T/F]: produce tranlslated files only when something was translated from the source document.
     Defaults to T=true
  [--only_archive=T/F]: Only create the archive -- do not recreate template files.
     Defaults to F
  [--create_archive=T/F]: generate the tarball and debian packaging info.
     If F, it output translated files within each e module as approriate.
     If T (default), it outputs archive under ./translations/archive/ with a sub-directory for each locale
  [--archive_dir=$archive_dir]: The directory to store  archive in.
     Defaults to ./translations/archive/
  [--categories=$cat1,$cat2]: The categories to search
     If not specificed we search TEMPLATES
  [--modules=$module1,$module2..$moduleN]: The module(s) for which we wish  to operate on
     If not specified, it uses  every valid module
  [--search_dirs=$dir1,$dir2]: Set the search directories for modules
    If not specified, we search <PACKAGE_DIR>,<PACKAGE_DIR>/sites/*
  [--limit_search=T/F]: Limit the module search results of found sub-modules of a 
    top-level module to those that are real subdirectories of top-level's given directory
    Defaults to T.

Translation from .po files

As languages become completely translated, we will maintain the .po files in the source code. In this case you do not need to download the launchpad exports. This is the case, for example, with French. Translation now is easier as you do not need to wait on downloading from launchpad:

translate_templates.php --create_archive=false --read_po_files=true --locales=fr

in <PACKAGE_DIR> will produce the French translations in the source tree for use

Note: under version 4.0.6 the defaults for translate_templates.php have been changed, so you may simply do:

translate_templates.php  --locales=fr