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Revision as of 15:31, 5 February 2008 by Sturlington (talk | contribs) (1st draft)
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Workforce Planning Software Goals

1st iteration - planned release for June 2008

  1. Develop a proof-of-concept tool that will enable workforce planners to generate projections quickly using the minimum dataset that will yield meaningful results.
  1. Build the software on top of a simplified version of the WHO HRH Workforce Projection Model (the John Dewdney version).
  1. Provide help, documentation and guidance inside the software to teach basic workforce planning concepts to users.
  1. Create a simple, wizard-like user interface to simplify using workforce projection models.
  1. Outputs should include graphical projections and a strategic workforce plan.

later iterations

  1. Enable users to input more data, if available, and generate more complex, robust and sophisticated projections by adding in other components of the WHO HRH Workforce Projection Model (Hall/Hornby version).
  1. Provide guidance inside the software to help users with making credible assumptions where data are lacking.
  1. Improve and build on the WHO HRH Workforce Projection Model.