Pages and Templates

From IHRIS Wiki


Page Classes

The action() method

Variable Conversion


Converting a URL to a Page

Page Styles


Template Data

The module template-data provides the ability to assign arbitrary data to any node in the DOM. The data exists in categories, such as 'FORM' or 'OPTION' and applies to all sub-nodes of the given node. Each piece of data is assigned a name.

If the node is an given by specifying an id (rather than giving an explict instanceof DOMNode) the data will be held in a cache until a node with the given id is added to the template.

When looking for a piece of data assigned to a particular node, we start at the given node and walk up the DOM until the named data is found.

For each category of template data, a default bit of data may be assigned which applies for the whole DOM.

Display Data


Closely related to the Display Data module is the Options module which saves template data in the category 'OPTIONS.' It process tags of the form:

<select id='some_id'/>

and if it finds an OPTION template data named 'some_id' it will append a <select> tag for each of these bits of data.

Form Data

A form can be set on any node and can be referenced as

<span type='form' name='form:field'/>

where you would substitute 'form' and 'field' as appropriate. If the 'form' is not specified it uses the default form, if any, set for the page.

Tags and Module Functions

Tasks and Roles