Single User Access

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The is an authentication mechanism which authenticates users against a single user. It is present in version 4.1 of iHRIS. It uses an internal administrative account 'i2ce_admin' with password as defined below, as well a single user. This can be useful for a "Demonstration" or a "Stand-Alone" application.

This user access mechanism is implemented by the I2CE_UserAccess_Single class.

Enabling the Module

To enable, just make sure you have: <source lang='xml'>

<requirement name='UserAccess_LDAP_Hybrid'>
  <atLeast version='4.0'/>
  <lessThan version='4.1'/>


Initialization String

The initialization string is sent to I2CE::initialize() in the index.php as the fourth argument, $user_access_init. This string must be prefixed with the 'Single://. What follows take any of the following formats:

  • null: The is the default value and means that we use the defaults below
  • a JSON encoded string: The data to is a JSON enocode string of optional configuration value for the user access. The JSON encoded data has the following keys:
    • admin_user: The username for an administrative account. If not set, it uses 'i2ce_admin'
    • admin_pass: It is the password for an administrative account with username 'admin_user'. T If this value is not set, it is the same password used for the database connection.
    • admin_details: associative array of the details for the admin user. Defaults to be as follows:
      • email: root@localhost
      • locale: en_US
    • auto_login: defaults to 0 (false). If true we will do an autologin of the specified user
    • auto_login_user: The user we wish to login with
    • username: the username for the single user (can be the same as that set by admin_user). Defaults to guest
    • userrole: the role of the single user
    • usedid: the id for the user. defaults to 1
    • user_details: associative array of the details for the admin user. Defaults to be as follows:
      • email: root@localhost
      • locale: en_US
      • firstname: (Empty)
      • lasttname: (Empty)


The following would do an auto login of a guest user with the planner role

 Single://{"auto_login":1, "auto_login_user":guest ,"userrole": "planner", "userdetails" :{"lastname","Health Workforce Planner"}}