MDN: /I2CE/formsData/forms/isco 88 unit/2230/fields/description (Development)

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The magic data node / I2CE/ formsData/ forms/ isco_88_unit/ 2230/ fields/ description is a scalar node. It is referenced as follows:

  • This node is referenced in isco-88-major-02 (src)
    • Value: Teaching professionals teach the theory and practice of one or more disciplines at different educational levels, conduct research and improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods pertaining to their particular discipline, and prepare scholarly papers and books. Tasks performed by workers in this sub-major group usually include: conducting classes, courses, or tutorials at a particular educational level, for educational or vocational purposes, including private lessons; conducting adult literacy programmes; teaching and educating handicapped persons; designing and modifying curricula; inspecting and advising on teaching methods and aids; participating in decisions concerning the organisation of teaching and related activities at schools and universities; conducting research in their particular subjects to improve or develop concepts, theories or operational methods for application in industrial and other fields; preparing scholarly papers and books. Supervision of other workers may be included. It should be noted that, depending on the specific tasks and degree of responsibility in executing them, as well as on the national educational and training requirements, it may be appropriate to classify some of the occupations that are identified here into Sub-major group 33, Teaching associate professionals. This is particularly relevant to the occupations classified into Minor groups 233, Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals, and 234, Special education teaching professionals.