Custom Reporting -- An Overview

From IHRIS Wiki
Revision as of 14:01, 27 August 2009 by Litlfred (talk | contribs)

The Custom Reporting is a three part process:


There are a several tasks that control general access to the creation and view of custom reports:

  • custom_reports_can_access Allows minimal access to the Custom Reporting System System
  • custom_reports_delete Allows deletion of data about custom reports
  • custom_reports_can_access_relationships Allows access to the Custom Report Relationships
  • custom_reports_can_access_reports Allows access to the Custom Reports
  • custom_reports_can_view_reportViews Allows view of the Custom Report Views
  • custom_reports_can_edit_reportViews Allows editing of the Custom Report Views
  • custom_reports_admin Administrator for custom reports. Can perform all tasks associated with custom reports

In addition you may create a Report specific task.