Technical Documentation: Difference between revisions

From IHRIS Wiki
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**[[ Limiting Forms]]
**[[ Limiting Forms]]
**[[Form Storage Mechanisms]]  
**[[Form Storage Mechanisms]]  
**Form Fields
***[[Automatically Generated Integers]]
* [[Module Structure]]
* [[Module Structure]]
* [[Pages and Templates]]
* [[Pages and Templates]]

Revision as of 16:22, 15 December 2009

This documentation is intended for developers and system administrators who are installing, administrating and customizing iHRIS. For end user documentation and detailed step-by-step instructions for using iHRIS Manage, Qualify and Plan, see the iHRIS Documentation and User Manuals. For More information about the iHRIS Suite and the HRIS Strengthening program, see the iHRIS Project Website.

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Release Notes

General Installation Instructions

Linux (Ubuntu)

Installing on ext4 filesystem? see this

Linux (RedHat-Fedora)


The Windows verison of iHRIS was formerly referred to as Offline iHRIS.

Packages, Modules and the API

Modules Lists:

Class List:

Template List:

  • iHRIS Template List a list of all the html templates and their locations used in the iHRIS Suite

Form Lists:

Task Lists

Role Lists

How Tos,Techinical Overviews, and Tutorials

How Tos

Technical Overview


iHRIS Common Documentation

iHRIS Manage Documentation

iHRIS Qualify Documentation

iHRIS Plan Documentation

Maintainer's Documentation